A CSC Memorial Day Sale!

Our CSC Memorial Day Sale starts Friday and lasts for just 4 days!   All 2017 RX3 motorcycles are on sale for $3895, with free shipping in the lower 48 United States, free crating, free assembly, and no documentation fees!  The sale lasts for 4 days only.  It ends Monday night.  If you snooze, you lose!


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This just in: Justin!

Justin Herx is the real deal…a true adventurer.   A lot of folks claim to be adventure riders, but trust me on this, Justin is the real deal.

I first met Justin the day before we left on the Inaugural Baja Run a little more than two years ago.  He was one of the very first guys to purchase an RX3 on our “Don’t Miss The Boat” program (Justin knows a  phenomenal deal when he sees one), and the trip to Baja seemed to be a natural fit with his other adventures.  He’s a photogenic guy and I grabbed more than a few shots of Justin on that first RX3 Baja ride…

On top of a hotel in Santa Rosalia.

Comparing Canons with Juddy.

On the way to the cave paintings.

Taking a break on the San Ignacio Mission steps.

Justin is a guy who rode a motorcycle to the northernmost tip of (get this) Vietnam, he rode a motorcycle across Nepal, and he’s been to a whole lot of other places well off the tourist track.   Justin also participated in the Mongol Rally, and that’s about as exciting as it gets (you can get the story on that event here).

You can imagine my surprise and pleasure when I received an email from Justin not too long ago telling me he was going to be in So Cal for a few days, and yesterday Sue and I had dinner with him at a great Italian restaurant in Pasadena.


Justin, Sue, and Yours Truly in Pasadena last night.

It was great seeing Justin again, catching up, and swapping stories about our world travels.   As I’ve said many times, the best part about the CSC experience is the people I get to meet, and Justin is one of my favorites.

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Sergeant Zuo

The grandest thing about being associated with CSC is the wonderful people I meet. One such person is Sergeant Zuo, our ride leader on the ride across China last summer. It was one of the best adventures ever. Today I received a couple of emails from my good buddy Zuo, and they took me to a Chinese motorcycle forum.

Here’s the deal: If you want to see it in English, copy and paste this email address…


…into this translation site…


…and you’ll be able to read it in English.

Sergeant Zuo is a great guy.  I enjoyed his companionship and leadership on our ride across China.  Zuo has about 25,000 miles on his RX3 now and it’s running strong. I know he reads the blog, so I’m going to make it easy for him and translate today’s blog into Chinese!

与CSC相关的最大的事情之一是我遇到的美好人物。 其中之一就是中国队士兵左骑士,去年夏天,他是我们坐在中国的骑行领袖。 这是历史上最伟大的冒险之一。 今天我收到了我的好伙伴Zoo的几封电子邮件,他们带我去了一个中国摩托车论坛。 这是交易:如果你想看到它的英文,复制并粘贴这个电子邮件地址…





佐武是一个伟大的家伙,我喜欢他在中国的陪伴和领导。 他的RX3现在已经有25000英里,而且运行得很好。 我知道他读博客,所以我要让他很容易,并将这个条目翻译成中文!

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Mopeds, Model 625s, and mountain lions…

So I was on my way to the gym today on my TT250 (which started immediately after not having been run for at least a couple of months) when I heard the distinctive drone of a small two-stroke engine.   I didn’t see Dylan’s custom bike initially, as it was running close to the parked cars in our neighborhood, but when I spotted it I knew I had to grab a few photos for the blog.   This is very cool…


Dylan told me he built the bike himself.  I guess I would have called it a moped (you have to pedal it to get started).  It’s all custom, including the frame with an integral fuel tank.  The bike had a old skool retro feel about it and I liked it immediately.



I especially liked the headlight patina and I asked Dylan how he achieved that look.   He explained something I might have figured out on my own (given a lot of time):  Chrome is plated over copper, and if you sand the chrome, you get down to the copper.  I loved the look.  He also had 1/4-inch copper tubing that contained the bike’s electrical wiring.  The whole effect was just cool.

I wanted to get a photo of Dylan (he’s a photogenic guy), but he didn’t want me to, so I asked Dylan to grab a photo of me with his bike…


I know what you’re thinking:   Where’s the ATGATT?

Hey, it was 95 degrees here this afternoon and I like I said above, I was on my way to the gym (which is just down the street from me).  I know…that’s no excuse.   But that’s the way it is.

We’re going to the range for our informal shoot tomorrow and I’m ready.  I loaded up a bunch of .45 AutoRim ammo for my Smith and Wesson Model 625 (love that gun), and my friends and I are going to have a good time…

Loaded for bear...or maybe lion?

Loaded for bear…or maybe lion?

You’re probably wondering about that caption in the photo above.  Okay, here’s the deal.   I spend way too much time on the Internet.  Some of that time is spent perusing the motorcycle forums.  Some of it is spent on Facebook (the ultimate waste of time, in my opinion).   And some of my time is spent on the Internet gun forums. If you think we have strong opinions on motorcycle forums, you need to check out the gun forums.  As we all know, there are a lot of strong opinions on the motorcycle forums.  Raise that by a factor of 10 and you can begin to get a feel for the opinions on the gun forums.   And if the topic turns to concealed carry, some of the posts are really out there.   Not that there’s anything wrong with carrying a concealed firearm (as long as it’s done legally), but when the topic turns to caliber and how much ammunition you need, well, the comments make anything you read on a motorcycle forum look tame.   Some of these folks carry cannons and enough ammo to start World War III.

One gun forum thread discussed how much ammo you should carry with a CCW (that’s a concealed carry weapon permit, in gun talk).  It piqued my interest.  The opinions all seemed to lean toward enough ammunition to equip an infantry platoon.  It made me wonder if the Internet had any data on the typical number of shots fired in a real altercation (that is to say, when a firearm is used for self-defense).  It turns out there was a study on this.  The magic number is (drum roll please):  Two.

Two rounds. Most of the time an armed altercation required only one round to stop things (the bad guys tend to change their minds and run away when the first round is fired).  I think the average got up to two rounds because there were a few instances in which more shots were fired, and in particular, there was one data point that was way above the average.  In that altercation, the good guy had a puny .32 auto and he had to fire a whopping 13 shots to stop his adversary.  His adversary, though, was a bit unusual.  Get this:  The “bad guy” was an escaped lion.  An actual lion.  Now there’s one you don’t run across too often.

I’ll be on the range tomorrow with my friends, and hopefully we won’t see any lions.  There are mountain lions around here, but I’ve never seen one.  We see the odd rattlesnake or tarantula at the range once in a while, and on a couple of instances we’ve actually had deer wander onto the range (and being the sportsmen we are, we let them wander off the range, too).  Watch for the range report in the next couple of days…you’ll see it right here on the CSC blog.

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A favorite video…

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3 June 2017: Newcomb’s Ranch!

We didn’t do our company ride to Newcomb’s Ranch a couple weeks ago because we were rained out, so we’re going to do it for our June ride.   It will be 3 June 2017 (the first Saturday of the month, just like always), and we’ll leave from the CSC plant at 9:00 a.m. sharp.  You’ll want to arrive with a full tank of fuel!

You can sign up for the Newcomb’s ride on our Meetup.com site!

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RX3 Soft Luggage

I really like our soft luggage (especially the stuff from Wolfman), and apparently so do a lot of you.  We stock a complete Wolfman line and we are constantly reordering different Wolfman items to meet your needs.  In fact, yesterday I told you that I’d have an orange RX3 to show equipped with Wolfman soft luggage, but it sold before I could get over to the plant to photograph it today.  Wow!

So I asked Willie to set up a second RX3 for my photo, and he was happy to do so…


The Wolfman luggage works well with the stock RX3 rack and guard system, and Willie had the second bike configured in no time flat…


We carry both the Wolfman and FastTrax line of tank bags and I had intended to show you the complete Wolfman setup on this bike, but son of a gun, the last Wolfman tank bag went out today (but don’t worry; we have more coming in).   Anyway, you get the idea.   You can really bump up your RX3’s carrying capabilities with our line of soft luggage, and several of the riders on our prior Baja runs have done just that…Fathi and Doina, Sara, and James are a few who come to mind.  You can do a search on the blog on their names and “Baja” to see their RX3s.  I use Wolfman luggage on my TT250 and I love it.  It’s very high quality gear and it performed perfectly on our TT250 Baja run.   You can see our complete Wolfman line on the CSC website right here.  If you have any questions, give us a call!

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The Darien Gap…

Now this is going to be an adventure…

I read about this while perusing ADVPulse (you can read the accompanying article here).   I’m looking forward to the movie these guys are going to make about their adventure.   Best of luck, guys, and as you know we used to say, All the Way!

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Duck distortion…

Steve has this very cool Ducati Multistrada in on consignment…it’s a gorgeous motorcycle and I’m almost tempted to pull the trigger on this one myself…


But I have two motorcycles in my garage right now and they are two that I love (my RX3 and my TT250).   Anyway, I have this low-bucks ultrawide 8mm lens for my Nikon….


…and I thought I’d have a little fun with it and that beautiful Ducati this morning.   The Rokinon lens is manual everything (focus, f-stop, and shutter speed), but I was able to dial it in nicely on the Duckster…



On a separate topic, we have another cool project underway…we’re configuring a new orange RX3 (the fastest color, you know) with a complete set of Wolfman soft bags.   I’ve seen that approach on my good buddy Baja Sara’s bike and I like it.   We’re going to do a photo shoot with our fully-outfitted orange RX3 tomorrow.  It looks good, and Wolfman makes a top-notch product.   Watch the blog for photos of our Wolfman Adventure.  I should have them for you in a day or two.

ADVPulse, ADVMoto, and Motorcycle.com all picked up our press release on the new RXR.  It’s cool seeing the announcement on their sites.   Very cool indeed.

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Third time’s a charm…

…or so the saying goes.   Another one might be, “screwed again.”

This all started 4 days ago, when the tire low pressure indicator lit up my Subie’s dash.   Thinking it was just a case of the tire going low after a few months of neglect, I pumped up the left rear tire and drove up to the bay area.  By then the tire pressure light was on again.  I didn’t see anything, but I took it to a tire dealer and sure enough, there was a screw in the tire.  $40 later, a quick repair, and I was on my way.

The next day, while backing out near a curb in a crowded parking lot, I scraped the right front on a sharp edge.   Uh oh, I thought.  I didn’t like the sound of it, and sure enough, I had ripped the sidewall on the right front.   It was holding air, but I didn’t want to chance it.   Even though I had put new tires on the Subie just 2 months ago, I bought a new tire.   That set me back a cool $203, but you gotta do what you gotta do.   I won’t take chances with tires.

And then, this.   Today, as I was leaving the Cal Poly Admin Building after completing my retirement paperwork, this was staring at me when I got back to my Subaru…

So here I sit in the customer waiting area of my local Big O tire store.   Time for another blog while I sit and wait for yet another tire repair.  Third time’s a charm.  Let’s hope!

Update:  Yep, the bad news is that screw you see in the photo above penetrated, and yep, the tire needed a repair.  The good news is the good guys at Big O didn’t charge a nickel for the repair, and they had it done for me in less time than it took to do this blog (which, in case you ever wondered about such things, was less than 10 minutes).   I know where I’m buying my next set of tires…

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