Justin Herx is the real deal…a true adventurer. A lot of folks claim to be adventure riders, but trust me on this, Justin is the real deal.
I first met Justin the day before we left on the Inaugural Baja Run a little more than two years ago. He was one of the very first guys to purchase an RX3 on our “Don’t Miss The Boat” program (Justin knows a phenomenal deal when he sees one), and the trip to Baja seemed to be a natural fit with his other adventures. He’s a photogenic guy and I grabbed more than a few shots of Justin on that first RX3 Baja ride…

On top of a hotel in Santa Rosalia.

Comparing Canons with Juddy.

On the way to the cave paintings.

Taking a break on the San Ignacio Mission steps.
Justin is a guy who rode a motorcycle to the northernmost tip of (get this) Vietnam, he rode a motorcycle across Nepal, and he’s been to a whole lot of other places well off the tourist track. Justin also participated in the Mongol Rally, and that’s about as exciting as it gets (you can get the story on that event here).
You can imagine my surprise and pleasure when I received an email from Justin not too long ago telling me he was going to be in So Cal for a few days, and yesterday Sue and I had dinner with him at a great Italian restaurant in Pasadena.
It was great seeing Justin again, catching up, and swapping stories about our world travels. As I’ve said many times, the best part about the CSC experience is the people I get to meet, and Justin is one of my favorites.