Most favored moto…

Matt noted it on Facebook, and I’m finding the same thing.  My TT250 is my preferred ride nearly all of the time.  With a garage full of bikes and free rein to hop on any of the demo bikes at CSC, the one I almost always turn to is my TT250…


That’s a shot of my bike behind the plant before I ran over to Cal Poly this morning (which is where I am as I type this).   There’s just something about the TT…its lightness, its torque, its maneuverability…whatever it is I can’t say, but it is easily the motorcycle I ride the most.  I may paint it RX3 orange to make it faster.  I don’t know.  We’ll see.

Tomorrow I’m going to get out on an RC3 and do a short video.  I’ll run up into Azusa Canyon, and I think I’ll take a blue RC3 because that color photographs well.   Keep an eye on the blog.

Tonight Sue and I will be home watching the election returns, and I imagine most of America will be doing the same.   It’s going to be an interesting evening.

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