Singapore’s Little India

Sue and I poked around Singapore’s Little India section yesterday.  There are four major ethnic groups in Singapore, and folks from India comprise one of them.   Singapore has a rich maritime heritage (the four major industries in Singapore, I learned yesterday, are shipping, oil refining, finance, and tourism).   The shipping industry came about as a result of Singapore’s central location between India and China (the Chinese are another major ethnic group here).   Before I get to some of the photos from little India, check out this apartment complex…it’s three huge buildings capped by a roof styled after a ship (complete with gardens and a swimming pool)…

170930_4425-800-650I’ve never seen anything like this anywhere in the world.   But that’s Singapore.  It has a lot of things I’ve never seen anywhere else in the world.

On to Little India and a few of the scenes I photographed yesterday…

170930_4398-800-650170930_4402-800-650170930_4404-800-650170930_4408-800-2-650170930_4409-800-650Cool stuff.   It’s early Monday morning over here and the hotel restaurant opens in an hour.  I think I’ve got time for a swim before work starts for me.   There’s a rooftop swimming pool here, and that’s where I’m headed.

170930_4367-800-650Later, folks.  Watch for more photos later in the week.

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At the top of the list!

Yep,’s story about the 10 best beginner motorcycles keeps popping up on Facebook every time someone posts a comment, and you can bet we sure don’t mind that!  Guess who came in first on the list!

I was with Evans Brasfield and Tom Roderick (Tom is on the RX3 above) when Evans grabbed that photo.   Evans was literally laying on the ground along Sheep Canyon Road (a dirt tail running across the San Gabriels from Lytle Creek to Wrightwood) when Tom rode by.  It was a fun day for me, watching two experts like Tom and Evans in action.

You know, we’re not just for beginners.  Did you know that roughly half of our buyers own several other motorcycles, and of those, most of them are BMWs?

Thanks for putting us at the top of your list, MO!

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Motorcyclist Magazine

170930_4350-650About a year ago I wrote a blog commenting on my favorite motorcycle magazines (Motorcyclist,, and Motorcycle Classics), and in particular, I mentioned the new Motorcyclist format.   Before we left for Singapore, I picked up a copy of Motorcyclist to read on the plane.  On those rare occasions when I actually pay for a magazine, I always buy my magazines at the news stands; I haven’t had a subscription to any magazines in a decade or more (other than The American Rifleman, which comes with my NRA membership).

Wow, did I have a nice surprise.  This latest issue of Motorcyclist was, in a word, outstanding.   The crew at Motorcyclist broke completely from the tired format I’d come to expect from the motorcycle print media (other than Motorcycle Classics magazine, which, ironically, was way ahead of its time with stories on motorcycles that saw their best years decades ago).

I thoroughly enjoyed every one of the Motorcyclist stories.  One was about Steve McQueen.  Another featured the Isle of Man TT race.   There was a riveting piece about two war reporters riding out of Mosul on a sidecar-equipped Ural.   My favorite was a story about getting around the latest landslide blocking the Pacific Coast Highway on a couple of RX3 competitors (the bikes were the Honda and Kawasaki copycats of your RX3).  There was a short feature on three guys who, after returning from Vietnam, bought 305cc Honda Scramblers and rode them down to Guatemala in 1970.

The photography…all I can say is that it was just flat stunning.  The term “visually arresting” comes to mind.  There’s a photo of a bike at the Isle of Man leaned over with both wheels off the ground (a physics-defying photo if ever there was one).  There’s another of the Cuernos del Paine peaks in Chile, a photographic masterpiece.   And there were many, many more.  This is good stuff, folks, and it’s what a magazine should be…great writing and great photography presented in a great format.  I’d describe it as something of a cross between a collection of great stories and a first class coffee table photography book.

As we floated along yesterday at 500 miles per hour six miles above the Pacific Ocean, I realized that the layout, the format, the writing, and the photography in Motorcyclist are simply too good to take a chance on missing a future issue.  As soon as Susie and I settled in to our hotel here in Singapore, I did something I haven’t done in a very long time: I bought a subscription to a motorcycle magazine.   Motorcyclist, to be exact.  It’s that good.

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All Over The World…

170929_4312-800-650I’m talking about the RX3, of course.   After leaving LAX at half-past midnight on Friday morning (literally an “O:Dark:30” departure), a 14-hour flight to Tapei, a 2-hour layover (the smoothest and quickest international transfer ever), and a 4 1/2-hour jaunt to Singapore (the cleanest city I’ve ever seen in my life), we happily settled in yesterday and started the time-change adjustment.  It’s 3:00 a.m. over here, and I’ve been up for an hour already.

We walked around a bit along Singapore’s Orchard Street yesterday (think Beverly Hills’ Rodeo Drive, but cleaner, bigger, and leafier) and I grabbed a few photos playing around with the D3300’s 8mm fisheye lens (like that one above).  Good fun, and I’ll get more on a city tour we’re taking later today.

About that tagline above, All Over The World:  I wasn’t talking about me.  I’m describing the RX3.  When I was in Singapore last June, I saw an RX3 the first afternoon I arrived…

170611_1652-650The RX3 is an unprecedented worldwide success, and if you’re thinking about parts availability on a round-the-world trip, the RX3 is literally sold on every continent.   I’ll be in Bangkok next week and I’d bet a nickel I’ll see the RX3 there, too.

That’s it for now.  Susie just fired up the coffeemaker in our hotel room here in Singapore.   Time for a cup or two…

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Wow, there’s been a lot going on in the last few days!

For starters, the 2017 WERA racing season ended and our Roland Wheeler won the season on his RC3.  How about that!  The first time a Zongshen motorcycle entered the WERA racing circuit and it won the season.  Our congratulations to you, Roland!

rc3no1First season ever, and Roland rode his RC3 to a WERA season championship.  That’s impressive.

More good news…planning for the Destinations Deal Tour is moving right along.  I’ve sent an email to everyone riding with us about our hotels, and if you’re joining us, you need to call the hotels and and make your reservations now (I’m posting this here on the off chance that you haven’t checked your email).

More good news on the Destinations Deal Tour…our good buddy, riding compadre, and motojournalist extraordinaire Joe Gresh will be riding with us.   You know Joe from his articles in Motorcyclist and, and his awesome YouTube videos.  Joe rode with us on the 5000-mile Western America Adventure Ride when the RX3 first came to America, and he and I both rode 6000 miles across China on RX3 motorcycles last year.  These are two favorite Joe photographs (the first is in Idaho on our Western America Adventure Ride; the second photo shows Joe tearing across the Gobi Desert)…

150718_6296-650160710_1817-650-JGI’m also very excited about the folks riding with us on the Destinations Deal Tour who have ridden with us before on prior CSC adventure rides.  There’s my good buddy Rob, an Iron Butt rider who rode with us in Idaho, Oregon and Washington, and on our most recent Baja ride…

There’s good buddy Willie, the world’s most interesting man and a veteran of three of our Baja runs…

160317_5427-650And there’s Colorado Dan (of the Colorado Dans…we have three, you know).   Dan is my photogenic friend, he’s an expert rider, and he has a perpetual smile…

160313_4772-650We also have new RX3 owners joining us on this ride.  I’ll post photos of them from the road.  It’s going to be grand!

More developments…there’s been a bit of minor buzz on the Internet about a new Zong with a photo or three that’s popped up in a few places.   It’s the RX3S, a new test platform of a bike styled like the RX3 but with a 380cc twin cylinder engine…

RX3SI saw the 380cc engine and a clay mockup of the RX3S the last time I was in Chongqing.   It’s interesting, it’s heavy, and it’s not happening any time soon.

Let me explain why we need to recognize a few things about the RX3S and the RX4 (the 450cc upsized version of your RX3) and Zongshen’s approach to motorcycle development.  Zongshen releases information on potential new motorcycles way in advance of availability.  This practice wasn’t noticed on the RX3 because nobody in America paid much attention to Zongshen (other than a few guys on before the RX3 hit our shores.  Now, with the RX3’s world-wide popularity, everybody keeps an eye on Zongshen. Any info that Zongshen releases (and some info that they haven’t officially released) gets widespread dissemination by your friends and mine, the keyboard commandos.

Look, here’s the deal.  Zongshen recently rode a group of RX4s through China and they found the bike had problems.   It’s back to the drawing board with no forecasted production date.  Even if there was a production date (and there is not), I would take it with a 55-gallon drum of salt.  The fact is we just don’t know when this bike will go into production.  And once the RX4 finally goes into production in China, we’ll have to get a couple and take them through the EPA/CARB maze.  That tacks another 6 to 9 months on to when the bikes can sell here in the US.  My best guess is very late 2018 or more likely sometime in 2019, but that’s just what I called it: A guess.

Now, regarding the RX3S’s availability, let me put it this way:  The RX4 is way ahead of the RX3S in terms of design, development, and testing.   I won’t even hazard a guess on when the RX3S will be available.

These new bikes are interesting things to watch and read about.  I’ve ridden prototype RX4 motorcycles in China and my feeling is that at this point the RX3 is a much better motorcycle.  I’m sure the RX4 will be improved and refined by the time it goes into production, but when I rode it I knew I preferred my RX3.  The RX4 is a bigger bike, and yeah, the keyboard commandos are (as always) clamoring for more displacement.  But that bigger bike comes with a penalty: More weight.  The production RX4 will hopefully be lighter, but as it stands today, I like my lighter RX3 better.

Here’s the bottom line:  If you’re waiting for tomorrow’s RX4 or RX3S instead of buying an RX3 today, I think you’re cheating yourself out of a lot of good riding.   That’s something I’m not doing.  I’m riding today.  You could be, too.

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The Destinations Deal decal…

It’s a tradition…every multi-day CSC adventure ride has to have a decal, and every one of the riders who are riding with us next month will get one of these to put on their bike!

Ride-Decal-2W&D-650I like it, and I am really looking forward to this ride.  Watch the blog, folks.  We’ll be posting more information on the Destinations Deal Tour soon!

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Another Turkish RX3 input…

I just saw this Turkish RX3 video on Facebook and I thought I would share it with you…

Wow, after listening to that music, I don’t know what I want more…a nice plate of hummus, dolma, and maybe some iskender, or a motorcycle ride.  I think I’ll ride my RX3 tomorrow and go for a good Turkish lunch!

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The 7mm Weatherby Magnum

This is a hot rifle with a cool story.   Folks, check out this left hand 7mm Weatherby Mark V…

160903_4030-900-650It’s one of the great ones, and the story behind it goes like this.   About 35 years ago I was an engineer working for Aerojet (we manufactured cluster bombs and artillery ammunition) and the Weatherby plant was just up the road from us.   I stopped in one day and mentioned to the sales guy that I wanted to buy a Weatherby in 7mm Weatherby Magnum for my Dad.   I told him I wanted a rifle with exceptional wood, and in those days, they would take you into the Weatherby armory to pick out the one you wanted.  I got it down to two rifles and told the sales guy it would be cool if I could tell Dad that Roy Weatherby helped me select the rifle.

Well, that’s exactly what happened.  In two minutes I was in Roy Weatherby’s office and there he was.   He was a hell of guy.   Old Roy asked us to put both rifles on his desk, and when we did he said, “from this side I like that one the best.  Turn them over.”  We did, and Roy said, “from this side, I like the other one best.”   Then he looked at me and said, “Joe, which one do you like best?”

“I like this one,” I said, pointing to the rifle in the above photo.

“That’s the one I would have selected,” Roy said.  He obviously had done this before.  Just being in his presence was an amazing experience.  Like I said, he was one hell of a man.

I gave the rifle to Dad and he loved  it.  We spent several days on the range shooting the Weatherby, and then Dad passed away a few days later.   That was a tough pill to swallow, but life goes on.

The Weatherby had not been out of my safe since, other than to run a patch through the bore and to keep it oiled.  I didn’t shoot it because it’s left handed (I’m a righty), and then one day recently I was thinking about that.  My Dad was left handed and he shot right hand bolt action rifles, so I reasoned I could shoot a left hand rifle.   And three weeks ago, I did.

160903_4046-900-650That 7mm Weatherby Magnum cartridge is a real powerhouse.  It’s hotter than the 7mm Remington Magnum by about 100 to 200 feet per second and the bark is ferocious.  The recoil is significant, but truth be told, when I’m hunting I never feel the recoil and I never hear the rifle.

IMG_3848-900-650I’m working on different loads trying to zero in (pardon the pun) on the secret sauce that will provide the tightest groups.    And I’m having a lot of fun doing it.

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The Bobcat?

Steve had a visitor near his home early this morning….


In case you were wondering, that’s a California bobcat, a beautiful wild animal you see in these parts occasionally.

The Bobcat.  I like that name.   Hmmmmm…….

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Wow: Four RX3 Days on the Blue Ridge Parkway!

Nope, the ride wasn’t mine, but wow, another nice note and a great ride report from one of our RX3 riders!   Check out Jim’s email, his ride report, and his incredible photos!


I really enjoy reading the CSC blog and check it daily. Attached is a trip report and 10,000 mile update on my RX3. You are welcome to use it on the blog, if you wish.  I think the Blue Ridge Parkway would make a wonderful CSC group ride, especially for us East Coast customers.  I would be happy to help with the planning.

Jim G.

PS:  When will you announce the price on the Cafe Racer?

And here’s Jim’s awesome ride report…

I just completed a 4-day ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  My brother and I started at my house in Simpsonville, SC on Thursday morning and rode to the Parkway at Milepost (MP) 423.  Then we rode to his house near MP 86, North of Roanoke, Virginia.  We took 2 days to go up, stopping for the night at a motel in Pineola, NC on Thursday.  I rode back by myself on Saturday and Sunday, taking the same route.


Day 1 South to North and Day 4 N to S


Day 2 S to N and Day 3 N to S

My RX3 performed wonderfully for the nearly 1,000 mile, 4-day weekend (200-250 miles / day).  I was a little worried that my 250cc adventure bike would have a little trouble on the hills and might slow down my brother on his big Harley.  FYI, I am 6’1” and weigh 230lbs.  When we came to the mountains on day 1 we had about 20 miles of twisty climbing roads (Hwy 178 in SC/NC and Rt 215 in NC) to get up to the parkway, gaining about 3,500 feet of elevation.  When we got to the top on Hwy 178 my brother said two things, 1. “That was a great road” and 2. “I had trouble keeping up with you”.  At that point I knew I was not going to have a power issue.  The weather was great (60-75 degrees, two little showers) and the bikes performed flawlessly. 


Cone Mansion, MP 294


Grandfather Mountain, MP 305

My only complaint on the trip was from my butt!  Although I ride to work nearly every day, it is just 20 minutes each way.  5 hours in the seat for me was quite painful (after 2-3 hours).  I just have the stock seat, maybe a cushion or Seat Concepts upgrade would help.  I ended up standing, sliding back, sitting on the back seat, moving up on the edge of the tank, … anything to get a new pressure point.  I survived.

I think the RX3 makes a great bike for the Blue Ridge Parkway!  I was able to put all I needed in the stock luggage easily (we were not camping).  It is light and easy to maneuver through all those glorious curves.  It has plenty of power to get up all the climbs, some downshifting required on the steepest ones.  The speed limit on the Parkway is 45mph so top end was never an issue.  Even when we were trying to make up some time and my brother was leading (a little over the limit) I had no trouble keeping up.  I averaged about 65 miles per gallon so I only spent about $35 in gas for the whole trip!  My brother needed to be careful where he parked due the weight of his bike.  I didn’t have to bother backing into spots since my RX3 is so light and easy to walk back out any parking spot.  Although we did not take any gravel road adventures (due to my brother’s bike), I knew I could if I wanted to.  There were a lot of opportunities to do so, I will have to go back and try some of them out.  Overall I loved riding the Blue Ridge Parkway on my RX3, a great bike for a great road.


Mabry Mill, MP 176


Mount Mitchell, MP 355

I have nearly 10,000 miles on my bike now, purchased in June 2016.  I have done all the oil changes myself (conventional oil @ 2,500 miles) and paid a local shop to adjust the valves twice, change the tires at 8,000 miles, and adjust the chain tension. The only issues I have had were very minor.  The shift lever tip broke off at about 2,000 miles.  When I emailed CSC they responded immediately and sent me a new lever the same day.  My battery died at 5,000 miles = 10 months old, CSC told me the battery only had a 6 month warranty so I was on my own.  I found a good replacement on Amazon for $45 and it has been working for 5 months now with no issues.  I have only seen 2 bolts work loose.  One was on the rear protector / luggage rack.  The other was on the rear brake lever.  Actually that nut came completely loose and was resting inside the plastic cover.  The bolt never came out, not sure it can, and the brake never stopped working.  I got the torque value from CSC and put it back on with some LocTite.

Thanks to CSC for offering such a great product at a great value,

Jim G

Jim, that’s an awesome report and we (I and our readers) thank you for taking the time to put it together and send it to us.   We love getting these ride reports.

Allow me to answer your questions and comments.

A Blue Ridge Parkway ride is a real possibility.  Thank you for offering to help with organizing it.  I’ve never ridden the Blue Ridge Parkway (a character flaw I aim to correct).   Everything I’ve heard about that part of our great country sounds perfect for a great motorcycle adventure.  I had hoped to get out your way this summer, but I retired from teaching at Cal Poly in May and I have been busier than I’ve ever been.  Let’s tentatively talk about doing a Blue Ridge ride next summer.  I’m up for it if you are!

Regarding the issues of engine size and keeping up, like you, I have never had a problem keeping up with anyone on a Harley-Davidson.   A lot of folks assume that a 250 is down on power and can’t run with the big dogs.   It’s never been a problem for me.

On the seat:  I’m an older guy and I’ve never found the perfect motorcycle seat.  To me, they are all uncomfortable after a long day in the saddle, and I’ve ridden or owned most of the motorcycles out there.  I had to give up riding Harleys after I tried to buy a T-shirt at a dealer one day and the sizes all started at 2XL.  When I asked the sales guy if he had a medium or a large, he looked at me and told me I was too little to ride a Harley.   I don’t much care for Starbuck’s, I don’t have a 35-inch inseam, and I get a cramp in my neck from looking down my nose at other riders, so that ruled out BMW.  I am a degreed engineer so I thought I might have a shot at riding a KTM, but I’m a mechanical engineer and after reading the KTM forums I concluded that I really needed an electrical engineering/computer science degree to keep a KTM going.  Some folks have told me I’m not one of nicest people they ever met, so that cut out Honda. I never believed that old slogan about loud clutches saving lives, so there went Ducati.  I did like letting the good times roll and I rode a KLR for a while, but when the RX3 came on the scene I sold the KLR and never looked back (even though I miss having a doohickey on my RX3).  Anyway, to get back to the seat issue, many of our customers like the Seat Concepts seat.  I have a sheepskin cover on my RX3 seat and it’s worked well for me.  I rode an RX3 6000 miles across China on the stock seat with an aeration-type cover and I was okay with it.   It all depends on your individual shape, your pressure points, and your preferences.   You might want to consider one of our Seat Concepts seats; I don’t know of anyone who’s purchased one and did not love it.

On fuel economy, 65 mpg is about right.  I can typically get over 70 mpg on my bike if I ride to minimize fuel consumption (I’ve twice got over 80 mpg coming down from the Continental Divide at moderate speeds).  Small bikes’ top speed, acceleration, and fuel economy are more sensitive to rider weight, headwinds, tire pressure, oil levels, and other factors that would have less of an impact on a larger bike.

Regarding the price on the Cafe Racer, we have not officially announced it yet.  I know people in high places, though, and if you promise not to tell anyone, I’ve heard it’s going to be $2,495.

Jim, again, that was an awesome ride and an awesome report.  Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

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