Singapore’s Little India

Sue and I poked around Singapore’s Little India section yesterday.  There are four major ethnic groups in Singapore, and folks from India comprise one of them.   Singapore has a rich maritime heritage (the four major industries in Singapore, I learned yesterday, are shipping, oil refining, finance, and tourism).   The shipping industry came about as a result of Singapore’s central location between India and China (the Chinese are another major ethnic group here).   Before I get to some of the photos from little India, check out this apartment complex…it’s three huge buildings capped by a roof styled after a ship (complete with gardens and a swimming pool)…

170930_4425-800-650I’ve never seen anything like this anywhere in the world.   But that’s Singapore.  It has a lot of things I’ve never seen anywhere else in the world.

On to Little India and a few of the scenes I photographed yesterday…

170930_4398-800-650170930_4402-800-650170930_4404-800-650170930_4408-800-2-650170930_4409-800-650Cool stuff.   It’s early Monday morning over here and the hotel restaurant opens in an hour.  I think I’ve got time for a swim before work starts for me.   There’s a rooftop swimming pool here, and that’s where I’m headed.

170930_4367-800-650Later, folks.  Watch for more photos later in the week.

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