A nice note from Russ…

Just received this nice note from our good buddy Russ….


I have had a great experience posting CSC 150 parts which now are all sold!  I appreciate very much having the CSC ad site available to help others who needed these parts find them right here on your site.  Thanks Steve, Joe, and all the rest. 

Russ in Iowa

Our pleasure and glad we could help, Russ.   And for all of our other friends, if you have items you’d like to post on our classifieds page, just shoot them to us!

Well, back to the current secret mission.   It sure is hot and humid where I am right now…but I’m able to get my coffee and the mangos are tasty!

Later, folks…


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A ’64 Goat and another secret mission…

I was stopped at a light earlier this morning when I heard the unmistakable soul-shaking sounds of a big block V8.

You know the sound…that cammy “bumpedy-bump-bump-bumpedy” music that sounds, well, the way a car should sound.   Motor music that can almost be measured on the Richter scale.  The kind of sound that you feel as much as hear…

My daughter was with me this morning and she heard it, too.  We were both looking around for its source when we spotted it…a pristine 1964 Pontiac GTO.   John DeLorean’s industry-jarring vision of a big block V8 in a small car (or at least what we thought a small car was in those days).   Yep, it was the 389-cubic-inch big block motor in a Pontiac Tempest.   The car that literally started the muscle car craze…the 1964 GTO!

I hung back at the next light to grab this photo…

Whoa! Check out the license plate!

I didn’t have my Nikon with me, but I always have my cell phone, and I grabbed not only that quick shot above, but several more.  Yep, I stalked the guy driving it (my new buddy Ridge) and when he stopped a half mile later, I took several more shots…

This is a really cool car...the 1964 Pontiac GTO

My new buddy Ridge and his 64 Goat

Imagine that...44 times the engine displacement of my California Scooter!

After chatting a bit with Ridge, it was back to the ranch for me.   I have to get ready for a late night flight…I’m headed out on another one of Steve’s secret overseas missions.   I can’t tell you where this one is, except to say that it is going to be hot and humid (and cobra is on the menu)!   I’ll have my camera with me and if I see any interesting bikes I’ll grab a shot or two for you.   Like I said, I can’t tell you where I’m going (after all, what kind of a secret mission would it be if I did that?), but the photo below offers a hint…

A good book, a passport, and my Blue Angels world time zone watch...the destination hint is in the LED panel

It’s going to be another long flight, but I’ve got Helge Pedersen’s excellent moto adventure book (lots of awesome photos!) and I’m ready.

Ride safe, my friends, and watch for some cool photos coming your way right here on the CSC blog!


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Spaghetti westerns, Gus, and a new Pietta…

I grew up on westerns….in the movies and on television. I had high hopes for the new Disney movie about the Lone Ranger, but I was disappointed when the critics panned it. My neighbors saw it, though, and they liked it so it’s back on the list for me. I’m old enough to have enjoyed the original Lone Ranger TV show with Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels, along with many others on the silver screen and the little screen. Bonanza, The Rifleman, The Virginian, Gunsmoke, Fury, My Friend Flicka, Bat Masterson, Wanted Dead or Alive, Have Gun Will Travel, How the West Was Won, and the list goes on. I love them all. I’ll bet more than a few of you reading this blog do, too.

What’s amazing to me is the trash that passes for entertainment on TV today. Most of it is terrible, and the worst of the bunch are the so-called reality shows (with the possible exception of American Pickers…we like that one). It just seems like we continue to move in the wrong direction. On the one hand we’ve got entertainment industry airheads condemning violence, yet most of what they turn out is senseless gore. We bought a copy of Django over the weekend, and on a scale of 1 to 10 it was a negative number. Folks, don’t waste your shekels on this one.  Calling it stupid would be an insult to stupid people.

One notable exception a few years ago was the Lonesome Dove series (it was on TV in the 1990s). Based closely on the Larry McMurtry novel of the same name, it was an awesome story. I’ve read the book four times and I’ve probably seen the movie series at least that many times. Gus McCrae is my hero…he’s who I want to be when I grow up.

Gus McCrae and his Colt Walker 44, the largest and most powerful black powder handgun of its era

The nice thing about the westerns in the 1950s and the 1960s is what was right and what was wrong was easy to understand. It was logical. Nobody had any doubt about who the good guys were and who the bad guys were. We didn’t need talking heads to explain it all to us like we see on the news shows today. Those early westerns were just plain old good entertainment. They appealed to our better instincts.

Clint Eastwood, the spaghetti western king, also armed with Colt Walkers

The 1970s brought us another phenomenon…the spaghetti westerns. You know, it’s weird, but the Italians making those movies had a better handle on our heritage than we did. I guess most of the writers and entertainment types in Hollywood already had their brains fried by drugs, and the stuff being made in Italy was much better. I liked the ones with Clint Eastwood the best.

So, where am I going with all of this?

You may remember me talking about my good buddy Alan from the Motor Scooter International Land Speed Federation here on the blog. As it turns out, Alan is a student of the American West and our early history. He’s also a black powder aficionado. And so is my friend Pauly B, whom I visited in Hollister this past weekend. Between Alan and Pauly, I’ve been getting indoctrinated into the black powder world.

Black powder is cool. These guns don’t take cartridges…you actually pour the gun powder into the gun, force a ball (the bullet) on top of it, add a percussion cap to light the fire, and let ‘er rip. Just like they did in the old days. There was no Hollywood nonsense about holding your 9mm automatic sideways and rattling out 18 rounds along with a string of profanity.  In the old days when folks built America, you had one shot in a rifle and maybe six in a handgun.  And then it took a long time to reload. You had to make each one count. Cool stuff.

So what I’ve been learning about the black powder world is very interesting. One of the things that really surprised me is that the best black powder guns in the world today are made in Italy, and they are copies of the guns that figured prominently in our U.S. history. When I asked how is it that Italian gunmakers are cranking out copies of Colts from the 1850s and 1860s, the only reasonable explanation Pauly and I came up with are the spaghetti westerns. Like I described above. With Clint Eastwood. The Italian arms industry loves our history so much they are the ones making copies of our original classic firearms.

Here’s the bottom line: I pulled the trigger a couple of weeks ago (figuratively speaking) and I bought an 1851 Navy Colt made by a company called Pietta in Italy. It’s a .44, which in the black powder world means it’s really a .45 (it takes a .45-caliber ball). The original 1851 Navy Colts were never actually used by the Navy, and they were only available as a .36 caliber. But the modern 1851 Navy Colt is a 44 and it’s made in Italy. If you’re confused by all of this, don’t feel bad. I’m just starting to get it myself.

My new Pietta 1851 Navy Colt...for $169 this is an exceptional handgun!

Another thing that amazes me about the blackpowder world is that in most states these guns are easy to buy. They are excluded from all of the controls and hoops you have to jump through to buy a cartridge gun. I ordered my 1851 Navy Colt from Cabela’s and they shipped it directly to me.  The UPS guy left it by the front door earlier today when I was at the plant.  Amazing, ain’t it?

Anyway, I hope to get out to the range soon to play with his new toy, and maybe shoot a video while doing so. They tell me blackpowder guns are kind of like politicians and some motorcycles I won’t name here – they make lots of smoke and noise. It should be exciting.

I will keep you posted, folks.


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There’s still one left!

Of the project bikes Steve is blowing out, that is.   Two of the three sold almost immediately…

The red Bobber development bike looks great, especially with the whitewall tires its new owner added.   And the blue 250 project bike cleaned up really well, too!

Both of the above bikes are sold, but we still have one left…it’s the CSC-150 Euro development bike you see in the photo below.   TK will work you a killer deal on it, so if you have an interest, the time to call us is now!  Here’s the photo…

I can picture that bike with wide whitewalls, and it will look great!  We’ll add all the missing parts before it goes out the door (exhaust system, etc.), and you can see more about this bike on our CSC Classifieds page.   Just give TK a call at 800 884 4173.

On to a new topic:  I grabbed a couple of neon sign photos in our new factory and I think they look pretty cool…

And how about a few more shots from the Hollister trip, boys and girls!   Here you go…

This first photo is a 1931 Ford in downtown Hollister.  I felt pretty good about this one…the owner asked me to guess the year and I said 1930.  I was pretty close!

Here’s an airbrushing on a Harley fairing….

And this one is Johnny’s…the site of the original Hollister motorcycle riot photo in Life magazine.  The bar’s current owners are sure capitalizing on it.   Johnny was Marlon Brando’s character in The Wild Ones.

These dogs sure looked good…

As you know, we went up to Hollister for the rally and to visit with my good buddy Pauly B.   After checking out the rally, we had dinner at Phil’s (a really cool seafood restaurant right on the Pacific Ocean in Moss Landing).


Susie had the cioppino, and it was excellent!

All these pictures of food and motorcycles are making me hungry and in need of a ride.


It might just be time to fire up the Baja Blaster and run up the mountain for a cup of chili!

Later, folks…


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Neither rain, nor mud, nor heat, nor tigers…

Nor horrendous temperatures with humidity to match will slow our good buddy Simon Gandolfi in his moto ride across India enroute to London…how does riding in 115-degree weather sound to you?

That shot above shows Simon with a couple of friends near Dhamy Castle in Jalandhar, India.   Only the most interesting man in the world could take a motorcycle ride like this one!  Keep us posted, Simon…

More news on the adventure moto riding circuit…Arlene Battishill, CEO of Go Go Gear and avid CSC rider, is up in Canada riding the Cabot Trail this week.   We’ll keep you posted on that one, too!

I’m headed into the CSC plant this morning, folks…Steve has a couple of new custom bikes that have just come off the line and I’ll have photographs of them for you right here later today or tomorrow!

Ride safe!


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Neftali makes it home!

Folks, here’s the last of the Facebook entries from my buddy Neftali and his epic ride from Brooklyn to Alaska and back.   Looks like he had a ton of fun!

Ok, total for Day 7 even after all I went though (tire change, credit card troubles…) was 790 miles. Total for the trip has been 5,602 miles. Really late start today but I don’t care. I’m on vacation. Have a great Saturday Facebookers!

Just had a guy follow me for about 5 miles until I got to the dealer. Said he saw me a few miles back and wanted to shake my hand once he saw the dirt covered NY plate.

What a crazy night! Checked into a room after looking for one for over 200 miles. Got there like at 2 a.m. Highlight was riding up to Bear Tooth Pass. Man the air up there was so thin that it literally made me sick. Probably didn’t help that I smoked a cigarette right before going up. Low point of the day was almost hitting a Bear just south of 212, a huge whitetail deer on 120, and a rabbit almost as soon as I got to the motel in Casper. Total for Day 10 is 872 miles in God knows how many hours. Total for the trip so far has been 7,878 miles.

Total for day 13… 1,010 miles in 15 hours and 26 minutes. Total for the trip so far is 9,329 miles.

That was probably the worst rain storm I have ever ridden through. I had people giving me thumbs up and nods as I was passing them. Cars were pulled over on the highway and under overpasses. Wow. Just pulled over to throw my heated gear on.

Okay last gas stop of the trip.  I’m in Danville, PA. 165 miles away from home.  My GPS says that I will be home by 9 p.m.


Awesome stuff, Neftali, and thanks for allowing me to share it here with our CSC blog readers!  Ride safe and please stop in to see us when you are on the west coast!


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More Hollister photos…

Just a couple of engine photos from the Hollister rally, folks…

There’s more to come from our Hollister visit, so keep an eye on the blog!


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Hollister is a hoot!

More to come when I get home, folks….but for now, a quick three photos from the Hollister rally in (of course) Hollister, California!

Main Street in Hollister on Friday...

If Steve only knew the tough nature of these secret missions!

The Wild One...really! More on Marlon in the next day or two...

 Tough duty, indeed….Steve, you gotta quit sending me on these impossible secret missions!


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Headed north…

That’s where we’ll be, cruising in comfort in the Starship Subie, for a 4th of July visit with our good buddy Pauly B.   Hollister is the destination this time…we’ll be visiting the motorcycle rally that put black leather jackets, engineer boots, jeans, and the bad boy motorcycle image on the map.  It’s where the original event (the Hollister “riot” of 1947) occurred and it’s what spawned The Wild Ones and an entire string of really bad motorcycle movies.  These events and movies created an image that more than a few manufacturers tied their fortunes to (remember the “Bad Boy” motorcycle?).

We’re looking to have a fun weekend with a good friend, and a fine seafood dinner in Moss Landing.  I’ll grab a few photos of the rally and the scenery in Nor Cal, and you’ll see them right here.

In preparation for this trip, I took the Subie to the car wash this morning (hey, it was pretty dirty from some of my off road forays and those guys do a better job than I ever could), and I am most definitely pumped up about this trip!

In the meantime…kick back and enjoy a CSC scoot to the tune of Blue Moon…

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Bob’s East Coast P-51!

Hey, check out this note I just received from my good buddy Bob from the great state of New Jersey!


It took two weeks to install my 250cc engine, but it was worth all the work. I now have 960 miles on it and I ride it about 150 miles a week.  My wish is to get to the Atlantic Ocean this summer and send a picture to the blog so California Scooters will truly be coast to coast.  The best that I can do now is the Delaware River and it does flow to the Atlantic Ocean.

Here are a couple pictures of my scooter with the Delaware River in the background.



Awesome stuff, Bob, and thanks for sending your great photos to us!  I’ll bet you are enjoying some great summer night rides back there in the Garden State.  I sure miss that cool night air.

I  especially like the way you put the P-51 designators on the airbox covers.  We talked about doing that here on the new P-51 motorcycle but it was something we just didn’t get to do.   I like it!

Ride safe, enjoy, and thanks again!


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