Bob’s East Coast P-51!

Hey, check out this note I just received from my good buddy Bob from the great state of New Jersey!


It took two weeks to install my 250cc engine, but it was worth all the work. I now have 960 miles on it and I ride it about 150 miles a week.  My wish is to get to the Atlantic Ocean this summer and send a picture to the blog so California Scooters will truly be coast to coast.  The best that I can do now is the Delaware River and it does flow to the Atlantic Ocean.

Here are a couple pictures of my scooter with the Delaware River in the background.



Awesome stuff, Bob, and thanks for sending your great photos to us!  I’ll bet you are enjoying some great summer night rides back there in the Garden State.  I sure miss that cool night air.

I  especially like the way you put the P-51 designators on the airbox covers.  We talked about doing that here on the new P-51 motorcycle but it was something we just didn’t get to do.   I like it!

Ride safe, enjoy, and thanks again!


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