A ’64 Goat and another secret mission…

I was stopped at a light earlier this morning when I heard the unmistakable soul-shaking sounds of a big block V8.

You know the sound…that cammy “bumpedy-bump-bump-bumpedy” music that sounds, well, the way a car should sound.   Motor music that can almost be measured on the Richter scale.  The kind of sound that you feel as much as hear…

My daughter was with me this morning and she heard it, too.  We were both looking around for its source when we spotted it…a pristine 1964 Pontiac GTO.   John DeLorean’s industry-jarring vision of a big block V8 in a small car (or at least what we thought a small car was in those days).   Yep, it was the 389-cubic-inch big block motor in a Pontiac Tempest.   The car that literally started the muscle car craze…the 1964 GTO!

I hung back at the next light to grab this photo…

Whoa! Check out the license plate!

I didn’t have my Nikon with me, but I always have my cell phone, and I grabbed not only that quick shot above, but several more.  Yep, I stalked the guy driving it (my new buddy Ridge) and when he stopped a half mile later, I took several more shots…

This is a really cool car...the 1964 Pontiac GTO

My new buddy Ridge and his 64 Goat

Imagine that...44 times the engine displacement of my California Scooter!

After chatting a bit with Ridge, it was back to the ranch for me.   I have to get ready for a late night flight…I’m headed out on another one of Steve’s secret overseas missions.   I can’t tell you where this one is, except to say that it is going to be hot and humid (and cobra is on the menu)!   I’ll have my camera with me and if I see any interesting bikes I’ll grab a shot or two for you.   Like I said, I can’t tell you where I’m going (after all, what kind of a secret mission would it be if I did that?), but the photo below offers a hint…

A good book, a passport, and my Blue Angels world time zone watch...the destination hint is in the LED panel

It’s going to be another long flight, but I’ve got Helge Pedersen’s excellent moto adventure book (lots of awesome photos!) and I’m ready.

Ride safe, my friends, and watch for some cool photos coming your way right here on the CSC blog!


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