Tina, Fred, TK, and more…

More cool photos today, boys and girls! 

For starters, Garry and Tara of Yellowstone Scooters (our super dealer in Casper, Wyoming) sent this great photo to us of Tina on her new CSC Babydoll!

Tina on her new Babydoll in downtown Casper, Wyoming

Yesterday morning I had a cool call and a great conversation with Fred G (formerly of New Jersey, my old stomping grounds).  Fred’s interested in our bikes, and he told me about his Mustang and his 1940 Ford.  I asked Fred to send a couple of photos to me, he did, and well, here ya go…

Fred G's ultra clean custom Mustang

Another one of Fred's toys...a '40 Ford!

Fred, watch for that catalog we sent to you, and when you’re ready, give us a call.  There’s a bike here with your name on it!

More cool stuff…I was wandering around in the factory early this morning and I spotted this black Classic that Tony had up on the lift.  It’s stunning.  Think chome and black, and you’ll have pretty much nailed this puppy…chome exhaust, chrome fork lowers, chrome switchgear, chrome levers, chrome triple tees, chrome speedo cover, chrome rack, chrome wheels, chrome hubs…you get the idea.  Check this one out, folks!

Chrome, chrome, and more chrome! This black Classic almost requires sunglasses to ride!

The OD green Military Series bikes have their orders and they are moving out.  These bikes are going to Mitchell’s Modesto HD.  I caught a quick shot before the guys finished packing them, and they’re shipping this afternoon!

Military motos moving to Mitchell's Modesto!

Guess what else, folks…we’re starting the next run of desert camo Military Series motorcycles!  Here’s Lupe hard at work building the next production lot of these great bikes…

Desert camo and Lupe's TLC...these are beautiful bikes!

And today, TK rode his awesome Road King…check this out…it’s got Pro-One Performance Manufacturing wheels, calipers, and lots of other goodies!

TK and his extensively-customized 2002 Road King

That’s it for today, folks…I’ve gotta run.   The good folks at In-N-Out invited me over to tour their headquarters and main plant, and I’m really looking forward to seeing how one of the best-run corporations in the world works.   Ride safe and stay tuned!

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