Ready to roll…

The crew is here and we’re ready to roll.  We had our pre-ride dinner this evening at La Tolteca (one of my favorite Mexican restaurants) and it was awesome. Starting fr0m the left it’s Joe G, Willie, Leighton, Orlando, Velma, Rob, Gary, Dan, Susie, and Joe B (that’s me!)…

171021_6493-650-2And from the flip side, it’s Rob, Gary, Dan, Susie, Joe, Willie, Leighton, Orlando, and Velma…

171021_6481-650This is a great group.  I can’t wait to get out on the road in the morning.  It’s Oatman and Laughlin for our first day’s ride (we’ll be staying at the Colorado Belle tomorrow night), and it’s going to be fun!

It’s great to heading out again and it’s especially fun to be riding with world famous motojournalist Joe Gresh.  Joe is staying at my place tonight, and every time Sue starts a sentence with “Joe,” we both answer.   We suggested she use Dajiu and Arjiu to eliminate the confusion, and it’s working!

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