Canyon carving, CSC style…

That’s the official title for today’s blog, and we did indeed have a great ride up in the mountains.  There were five of us out there today…

  • Steve (the boss)
  • Twin Peaks Steve (owner of a beautiful black Bobber)
  • Bruce (a long time CSC rider and owner of a custom turquoise and white P-51)
  • Sergio (a good scooter buddy who rode out from Burbank for this ride)
  • Yours truly (your unrepentant and unrelenting blogmeister)

We had a great ride up Azusa Canyon and then we spun off to follow the San Gabriel River’s East Fork.   Along the way, we stopped for coffee at Camp Roberts.   Then we were back on the road, carving up the twisties as we climbed into the mountains.   In a word, the day was glorious.  You’ll see it in the video that’s coming up.

I caught this cool shot of Sergio as we were leaving Camp Roberts…he looks like he is suiting up for a space launch!

Sergio, the V-Strom man...

Here’s a cool shot of Steve on his Sarge…

The Boss

Here’s our good buddy Twin Peaks Steve from the last ride…

Twin Peaks Steve and his beautiful black Bobber

And here’s a shot of my long-time CSC riding buddy Bruce…you gotta love those shades and that helmet!

Bruce, with Twin Peaks Steve and me reflected in his shades...

The unofficial title of today’s blog is “Ride to Eat, Eat to Ride.”   You’ll see why in a few moments, but first, you have to watch the video.   Enjoy it, folks…it’s a long one with no music.  The only sound is the wind rushing by and CSC engines on a magnificent ride.   Grab a cup of coffee and let’s go for a ride!

After we came down out of the mountains, Steve wanted to visit The Hat for lunch, so we did.   When you get old like I am, going to The Hat is being a bad boy.   I’m not supposed to eat there but I take a lot of pills and I figured I was due.   It’s the geezer version of stepping out!

If you’ve never been to The Hat, you owe it to yourself to try it.  I can’t exactly say it’s been approved by the American Heart Association, and as we were chowing down I wondered if this was what Obamacare was all about.   I was going to get something healthy, but then I heard Steve order the pastrami dip.  It’s their signature sandwich.  Wow…the pastrami dip!

I’m easily led, I guess.  This one was mine…

The Hat's Pastrami Dip...Lipitor recommended but not included...

That sandwich probably weighed as much as my California Scooter.  I told myself “well, I’ll just eat half…”   You can guess how that went.

Twin Peaks Steve and Bruce ordered fries and onion rings with their sandwiches, and the serving size on those side dishes was similarly outrageous…

Low calorie onion rings...if you only have 1/8 of an onion ring!

French fries...real ones!

And just so you know, I shot those photos of the onion rings and the fries after we had our fill.  It sure was good!

The conversation was a hoot, too.   Turns out these guys are into a lot of the same things I am (besides motorcycles and eating stuff I shouldn’t, that is).   I sure enjoyed our time together.

There was an old guy at the next table who kept looking at us and then glancing out into the parking lot.  I could tell he wanted to talk to us but he was holding back.   Finally, his curiosity won whatever was going on upstairs and he asked…

“Are those Mustangs?”

We all smiled.   Steve’s original dream of bringing the Mustang back to life was having its intended effect.

We told that old boy about the California Scooter Company and our modern Mustangs.  He’ll be by the plant, I’m sure.   The same thing happened to me at a stop light on the way home today.  A guy in his pickup truck rolled down his window and told me the bike was awesome.  I know.   This is the sort of thing you get used to when you ride a California Scooter.

We had a good chat, a great lunch, and we were all stuffed.  After lunch it was a quick adios to my good friends, and it was time to head back to the ranch!

Twin Peaks Steve, me, Bruce, and The Hat!

What a great day this was.   More to follow, my friends.   Stay tuned and ride safe…


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