Boss Hoss In Harbor City Signs On!


A 5.7 Liter Chevy V-8 Boss Hoss

A 5.7 Liter Chevy V-8 Boss Hoss

California Boss Hoss Motorcycles in Harbor City added California Scooter Company motorcycles to their line this week, and our motorcycles are in stock in the Harbor City Boss Hoss showroom now. 

California Boss Hoss is yet another dealer recognizing the California Scooter market potential, and we are proud to be included among their very cool inventory.   These guys (under Jim Stoddard’s leadership) will take care of you, too.   If you ever get to the point where you want something with a bit more power than our 150cc bikes offer, well, these folks would be happy to sell you a Chevy V-8 powered motorcycle.   That’s right…from 150cc to 5700cc, California Boss Hoss has it all.  

A 150cc California Scooter Classic

A 150cc California Scooter Classic

The guys at California Boss Hoss are gearheads, and we like that.  (We’re gearheads, too, you know.)  This Boss Hoss dealership has a museum-quality display of vintage bikes, a collection of vintage msucle cars in the back, and lots of other cool stuff. 

The California Boss Hoss offerings include the huge Chevy V-8 powered bikes mentioned above, lots of custom V-twins (Big Dog,  Ultra, Big Bear,  Intrepid, and Travertson choppers), Ural motorcycles, and Loncin scooters.   These are all very cool machines. 

The Boss Hoss dealership in Harbor City, California, is a very cool place, and we’re honored to be included in such exclusive company.

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Arcadia Cushman, and the Mid-Ohio Superbike Races!

Arcadia2Arcadia Cushman in Arcadia, Indiana, is our latest California Scooter Company dealer.


Ray Gabbard and Steve Lorenz

Arcadia Cushman is a fascinating business, and it started in almost an identical manner to the California Scooter Company.   Arcadia Cushman started when Steve Lorenz restored a 1950s-era Cushman for his dad (the California Scooter Company got its start when Steve Seidner bought a 1953 Mustang for his dad).  One thing led to another in both businesses.  Steve Seidner fell in love with the Mustang and he started manufacturing motorcycles that took their styling cues from that bike.  Steve Lorenz fell in love with the Cushman and he bought Ray Gabbard’s 30-year-old Cushman parts and accessories business.  Steve Lorenz moved the business to Arcadia in central Indiana in 1997, and he and his wife Lisa have been running Arcadia Cushman ever since.   You gotta love these businesses that are run and manned by true enthusiasts.  We sure do!

The first shipment of California Scooters are on their way to Arcadia…so please stop in to visit Arcadia Cushman when you’re in Indiana!

Oh, and before I sign off for today…our Iron Butt/Lake Erie Loop/Scooter Cannonball man Bill Murar will be at the Mid-Ohio Superbike races this weekend with his blue California Scooter (the same bike he rode in the Lake Erie Loop).   Here’s some footage from last year’s event…


Bill will be one of the guys in the parade riding the course before the races, showing off his California Scooter in front of more than 10,000 spectators!

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Ooty’s Scooters In Santa Barbara

Our newest California Scooter dealer is Ooty’s Scooters in beautiful Santa Barbara, California.  Santa Barbara is about 100 miles north of Los Angeles, and it’s one of the prettiest towns in all of California.  It’s also a scooter haven, and we are delighted that Ooty’s has joined the California Scooter team.


A Chris Neely Photo From Spello, Italy. I've been to Spello, and Chris's photo captures its feel perfectly.

Chris Neely is the Ooty’s proprietor, and he’s exactly the kind of guy we want selling our bikes.   Ever meet someone you just like immediately?   Well, that’s Chris.   Steve and I both felt that way as soon as we met him.   He’s a real nice guy, and Santa Barbara, well, wow, it’s just a great place.   We think our California Scooters are perfect for Santa Barbara, and we think Ooty’s is the perfect dealership for us in this great town.   Chris is an interesting man…before starting the dealership, he and his wife traveled the world for a year, and the photographs adorning the Ooty’s showroom give a sense of that grand adventure.  The place is something of  a blend between an art gallery, a good friend’s home, and a motorcycle shop.   It’s perfect.

Chris told us he was impressed by the widespread acceptance of scooters in Europe, and he wanted to bring the fun to California.   He knew right away that Santa Barbara would be a great town for a scooter shop because of its European flair, its charm, and its overall feel.  Chris started Ooty’s Scooters about four years ago.

Steve and I were taking a trailer with a couple of bikes on it through Santa Barbara when we stopped in front of Ooty’s, and as soon as Chris saw us, his reaction was “Wow…the California Scooter Company.”   That was a good feeling.  Chris told us he’s been following the California Scooter Company through our blog, the news media, and all of the good stuff about us that’s been on the Internet.   While we were chatting in his showroom, several folks gathered around our trailer out front to check out the California Scooters, and that was pretty cool, too.  The bottom line is that Ooty’s signed on, and that’s a good thing.  Ooty’s is in the city proper at 629 East Haley Street, so the next time you’re passing through, please stop in.  You’ll like what you see, and you’ll make a new friend. 


Keep an eye on our blog, folks, because Steve is working his magic and several new dealers are joining the California Scooter team.   You’ll hear about it right here.

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California Dreaming…the Rock Store and More…

The Rock Store, Pacific Coast Highway, Neptune’s Net…these are the places that define a great southern RSCalifornia motorcycle ride.   We hit all three yesterday on our California Scooters.  

The guys had been talking about a ride to the Rock Store for several weeks, and yesterday was the big day for us.  Steve, Tony, TK, our test rider and good buddy Joel, Arlene (who has one of the best looking bikes I’ve ever seen), and yours truly were on the road early Sunday morning.   This year’s June gloom (the overcast morning marine layer that hits us hardest during June) had been lingering for a bit, but that was okay by me.  Given a choice, I’ll take riding on an overcast day any day…I like the feel of it, the photography is better (the lighting is more even), and with all the protective gear, the cooler temps make for more comfortable riding.

I was up at 4:30 a.m., beating my alarm clock by an hour.  I always wake up early the day of a great ride.  The Rock Store is a neat destination, nestled in the hills up above Malibu and known throughout southern California as the place to be on Sunday.   The twisties getting up there are wonderful, the food’s great, the place has a good feel about it, and the motorcycles and people it attracts make the trip exciting.   Who could sleep knowing that’s on the menu?

Our group hooked up in Agoura Hills for the Rock Store ride, arriving early and feeling good.   We had only been there a few minutes when Arlene, president of Go Go Gear, arrived on her Go Go Gear bike.  She’s wearing one of her signature motorcycle jackets, which matches the awesome paint job John flawlessly executed on the Go Go Gear California Scooter. 

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Here’s a photo of Arlene and Steve chatting before we hit the road.  Steve would be riding the Sarge bike on our ride today.  That’s Joel in the background…he’s one of our engineering test riders who attained 98 mpg on a California Scooter a few months ago.

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The group, minus me (I’m on the other side of the camera)…Arlene, Steve, Joel, Tony, and TK…

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A great shot of Joel, a mechanical engineer who knows motorcycles….he would be riding the Rock Star (the gray bike to the left) to the Rock Store.

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After a bit of chatting, we were on the road in the Calabasas hills.   A gloomy marine layer only added to the fun as our California Scooters buzzed along…

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I like riding the tailgunner slot…it was fun watching our Scooter squadron hum along these great roads…

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When we arrived at the Rock Store, we made a splash.  We were the rock stars…everyone stopped what they were doing and walked over to check out our California Scooters. 

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It was fun watching the crowd’s reaction to these little motorcycles.   Folks ignored the exotic and expensive motorcycles…they wanted to see our bikes. 

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After just a few minutes, one of the Rock Store riders asked if he could sit on my bike.  It was a question we would hear many times on our ride today…everyone wanted to get on a California Scooter. 

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 More California Scooter excitement in the Rock Store parking lot. 

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I spotted this Ducati Desmosedici RR right in front of the Rock Store, parked less than 30 feet way from our bikes.   It’s a $72,000 motorcycle (Tom Cruise rides one…this might even have been his, as a lot of movie stars frequent the Rock Store).    This magnificent motorcycle was completely ignored…everyone was congregating around our California Scooters.

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After a great breakfast (thanks again, Steve!), we rode off from the Rock Store through more twisties on our way to the Pacific Coast Highway.  We stopped to grab a few photos at this scenic overlook high in the hills above Malibu, when this fellow on a dual sport hammed it up a bit for my camera…

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My new friend Joe on my California Scooter…

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Here we are on the Pacific Coast Highway, heading north, with the Pacific Ocean off to our left…

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We pulled into Neptune’s net, a seafood restaurant and famous motorcycle destination on the Pacific Coast Highway.   Steve, like all of us, was having a great time…

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We drew another instant crowd, and like before, everyone wanted a photo on a California Scooter… 

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I met a group of guys in Escuadron 201, a really interesting club…

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While they were taking pictures of our bikes, I spoke with Daniel, who told me a bit about the club…

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During World War II, El Escuadron 201 was  a volunteer Mexican fighter squadron that fought alongside US units in the Philippines and elsewhere.  They flew P47 Thunderbolt fighters.  I was surprised to learn about this unit; I had never heard of it before.   The motorcycle club is named after the heroic 201st, which is still an active duty unit in the Mexican Air Force (they fly Pilatus PC-7 aircraft today).

A few of the guys in Escuadron 201.

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My new friend Daniel, in Escuadron 201, in front of Neptune’s Net.  That’s me on the left in my California Scooter jacket.

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I spotted this guy leaving Neptune’s Net on a KLR-650.  Great bike – I own one and I’ve been all over Mexico on it.   It’s sitting in my garage, largely unridden since I got my new California Scooter.   That’s the Pacific Ocean across the street.

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This young lady was on a cafe racer Honda 4.   When I was a kid I worked for the Barzda brothers on the east coast, who campaigned sprint and Indy cars under the number 33.  I wanted to ask her about the number, but she got away before I could.

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Here’s another bit of motorcycling exotica…a Matchless leaving the Neptune’s Net parking lot.   The flying M is an awesome logo…it’s one of the best motorcycle logos I’ve ever seen.

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Yet another rider who wanted seat time on a California Scooter…I didn’t get this fellow’s name, but I did a double take…don’t you think he looks a lot like Peter Fonda?

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We left Neptune’s Net and headed north on the Pacific Coast Highway.    That’s Steve in front of me on the Sarge, and those tiny specks up ahead are the rest of the crew.  Joel was way out in front…

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When I first moved to California back in 1979, I kept experiencing these overwhelming deja vu feelings, especially along the Pacific Coast Highway.  I was certain I’d been in these places before.  Then I realized…I was seeing the places I’d seen on TV shows and in the movies when I was kid. 

Steve and TK, taking a break just over the county line in Ventura, along the Pacific Coast Highway…

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Even at the rest stop, people came over to check out the bikes.   Here’s Tony talking to a guy who wanted to know all about the California Scooters.

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You know, this stretch of the PCH (Malibu and points north) is kind of known as a billionaires’ ghetto.  We saw a lot of very exclusive automobiles…but folks were still more interested in our rides.   Here’s a fellow in an exotic Audi who pulled off to get a better look at our bikes…

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This was our turn-around point, and we pointed the bikes south to head back home…it was still a bit overcast as we rode along the Pacific.

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A Ferrari rolled by, slowing to get a better look at my red Classic before zooming ahead to check out Steve’s Sarge…

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 TK, after topping off the Rock Star bike…

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We rolled down the PCH for a few  miles before turning inland.   We wanted to make one last stop at the Rock Store.   Here’s a cool shot of Steve diving into a corner and hitting the brakes under the watchful gaze of a California Highway Patrol officer…

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 I grabbed this shot back at the Rock Store…it’s on a Honda Valkyrie…

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We stopped in for a bit and folks were all over our California Scooters again…this young lady just got out of the Army (she was a diesel mechanic), and she had to get on the Sarge… 

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Another cool pair of bikes…a pair of 1982 Honda MB5 motorcycles.   These are 50cc two-strokes.  The fellows who owned these had poked them out to 70cc with big bore kits.  Small bikes are cool. 

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Shannon, my new Rock Store friend, striking a pose on my California Scooter…

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My last shot of the day was Russell Mitchell, of Exile Cycles fame.  Russell builds exotic custom bikes, he’s an actor, and he’s been on a number of custom bike building television shows (including his own show on the Speed Channel).    He’s a cool guy, and he was happy to let me take his photo on one of our custom California Scooters. 

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So, there you have it…the Rock Store, the Pacific Coast Highway, Neptune’s Net, great mountain roads, celebrities, company presidents, great friends, great bikes, and great riding on our California Scooters.   We’ll be doing these rides on a regular basis, and not just in California.  Come to think of it, not just in the United States, either…our Baja ride is coming up in September.  Think about that…what a great way to put your first few break-in miles on your new California Scooter….riding along the Pacific Ocean taking in the magnificent sites of the Baja peninsula!   TK is a good guy to talk to about that…just give him a call at 1-800-884-4173 and he’ll fix you right up!

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Pursuing the 150cc Land Speed Record

You know, I got so excited posting the shots of our custom bikes that I forgot one of the most interesting things of all…California Scooter Company officially entered the 21 November 2010 land speed record trials at El Mirage dry lake.  Yep, your favorite motorcycle company is going for the land speed record in the 150cc hybrid motorcycle/scooter class.    Mustang did it back in the day, and we’re aiming to do even better! 


Walt Fulton Breaking 100mph On A Mustang Back In The Day

Bill Murar, the Lake Erie Loop, Completing 654 Miles In One Day

Bill Murar, the Lake Erie Loop, Completing 654 Miles In One Day

Bill Murar finished fourth in his class in the Lake Erie Loop (that 654-mile international run around Lake Erie) not too long ago, and we know we’ve got a reliable runner in this 150cc California Scooter.   We’re going to be working some magic on our land speed record bike, and this is going to be tons of fun.   

Yep, we have two competitive events in the next few months….Bill Murar is our factory rider for the upcoming Scooter Cannonball run (a coast-to-coast dash in September), and now our attempt to set a new world speed record in November.    Stay tuned, folks!

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Personalizing Your California Scooter…

Hey, don’t forget that we’re going to be at the Rock Store up above Malibu this coming Sunday…wow, that’s tomorrow!  There will be a bunch of us, and you’ll be able to see a bunch of customs, meet Steve (the guy who created California Scooter), and several of the guys.   

And speaking of customs…check out these photos showing how you can personalize these great motorcycles…we’ve shown a few of these on the CSC blog…and a few are new shots you haven’t seen before…

This is the Creamsicle bike (orange and white, get it?) with Lupe on board.  It’s an amazing bike, with amazing paint and a list of custom features too long for this blog.   The Creamsicle bike is not for sale, but if you wanted to duplicate it, well, let’s just say you could easily double the $4995 price of a standard California Scooter.


Here’s another orange and white bike, the Alvin.  We built it to a customer spec, and we liked it so much…well, here it is again.  It’s got one of John’s custom paint jobs, lots and lots of chrome (wheels, pipe, etc.), and a hand-lettered Mustang logo on the tank.  It’s a stunner.


The Radio Flyer below is a standard red Classic with the Greaser’s red wheels, a rack, and a chrome pipe.  The boys made one just like it for me…except for the chrome pipe (mine has the stock pipe).   


Here’s  mine…it’s the Radio Flyer with our windshield and bags…my little bagger.  It’s the one I’m riding up to the Rock Store tomorrow morning…


Sometimes just adding whitewalls can completely change a bike’s character.   Check out this shot of Lupe on a red Classic with our gangster whitewalls…


Here’s Sandy with our Greaser with a red apehanger handlebar and a red seat.   These bikes sell well; the apehanger bars are real popular.


You’ve seen a lot of shots of our Van Halen bike…it’s a Classic with a paint scheme designed by Sandy, and it looks great…


And we get all kinds of requests for flames…here’s one of our early ones on a Greaser…this bike has our billet wheels, too…


From time to time we do corporate customs…you’ve seen the In-N-Out bike and our Go Go Gear bikes…showcase bikes for our customers and our ability to create something really special…

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You’ve seen our Sarge bike in the blog entry on the LA Roadster show and elsewhere…it’s a custom (mostly just related to the paint), and it sure grabs a lot of attention…


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The Van Halen, Creamsicle, Alvin, Go Go Gear, Sarge, and other custom bikes have fairly exotic paint jobs.   We do a few others that are relatively mild, but provide a completely different look.  Check out these factory specials that John prepared just last week…



Or you might want to keep the stock colors, with pinstriping and a custom logo…


You can also keep the stock paint and go to town with chrome accessories.  We posted a story on the Billy Joe bike a while back, and more than a few folks have used this bike to describe what they want on their California Scooter.   The Billy Joe bike is elegant with its stock black paint, billet wheels, and liberal use of chrome…


Here’s another one I really like…a stock red Classic with black billet wheels…it’s just one accessory, but it changes the bike’s look completely…this one has the feel of a ’36 Knucklehead about it…


We have two engine colors…silver and black.   The black engine is normally used on the Classics and the Greasers, and the silver engine goes with the Babydoll.   Every once in a while a customer will order a Classic with the silver engine.  It really works…


Whatever  you like…a completely stock bike, one that’s been mildly accessorized, a factory special paint job, or an all-out custom California Scooter, we can float your boat.   Take a look at the accessories pages on our California Scooter website (the link to get back to the Cal Scooter website is just below the calendar on the right), and get started on making your bike even more unique than it already is.

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This Sunday – CSC@The Rock Store!

Hey, just a heads up – we’re gonna have a California Scooter ride to the Rock Store this coming Sunday.


The Rock Store is one of southern California’s great moto destinations.  I wrote an article on the Rock Store back in 2007 for Motorcycle Classics magazine, and if you want to learn a bit more about it you can do so by clicking right here!

Most of the time, you just never know who’s gonna show up…you might see an actor or two, other celebs, and maybe even the Governor (but if you miss Arnold, don’t sweat it, he’s a regular and, well, he’ll be back…).   This coming Sunday the California Scooter contingent is riding in, including Steve, Arlene from Go Go Gear, Tony, TK, one or two of our test riders, yours truly, and maybe one or two more. 

There’s another guy who’s a regular….my riding buddy Dave Walker (I’m the guy who grabbed this shot of Dave).   Not sure who the other guy is…


If you want to get a great breakfast, ride some great roads, and see some wild California Scooter customs, stop by the Rock Store this coming Sunday morning…I hope to see you there!

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Things just don’t get much better than this for a 4th of July celebration…a cool California summer night, sitting in front of an American motorcycle factory, and watching the fireworks display with friends and family…

As promised, a few shots from the LA Fairplex “Kaboom” show…






As I was posting the above photos, one of my friends sent this to me on Facebook…remember the Andrews Sisters?

I hope every one is enjoying the holiday as much as we are…

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Continental Motors Adds California Scooters

You folks in Oceanside, California, will no longer have to drive all the way up to La Verne to see a California Scooter…Continental Motors just signed on as our newest dealer, and we’re happy to have them on board.  This is something different for us…Continental Motors is an automobile dealer, but they know a good thing when they see it!

Thanks very much for joining the team, guys!

And hey, as long as I’m posting, here are some cool shots I grabbed at the plant not too long ago…the first one shows Tom in a very serious pose on the ’53 Mustang Pony…


And here’s Tony on one of the 124-cubic-inch Pro-One bikes…


It’s getting late here, boys and girls, so I’m gonna call it a night…but not before I mention I’m really looking forward to the weekend.  We’re watching the “Kaboom” fireworks show on the 4th of July, and we’ll have ringside seats at the California Scooter plant (the fireworks show is right across the street from us).   I promise I’ll try to grab a few shots and I’ll post the best one or two.  

Enjoy the holiday!

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A Cuppa Joe…

I took a quick run on my California Scooter today over to the Chino airport for a cup of coffee at Flo’s.  Good food and good people – a tough combination to beat.


I like reading the papers over there, and truth be told, I like finding opportunities to get out on my bright red California Scooter.   Red is a good color for a motorcycle.

I had a couple of thumbs up on the ride south along Euclid Avenue this morning.  One lady even rolled down her window to ask me about the bike when we stopped at a traffic light.   She and her husband were all smiles as they rode along side for about a mile, feasting their eyes on my Scooter.  

When I arrived at Flo’s, there was a spot right at the front door and I grabbed it.  Two guys were right behind me, and they wanted to know all about the bike.  We had a nice conversation for 10 minutes or so.   They asked the question everyone gets to:  How many miles per gallon?  They were blown away when I told them as high as 98 mpg.

One of the great things about Flo’s (in addition to the food) is that it’s at the Chino Airport, and there’s some cool stuff parked over there…see what I mean?


Chino Airport is also home to the Planes of Fame Museum, which is a wonderful spot to visit.  I’m nuts about the place.   They’ve got a wonderful collection of World War II aircraft, including this magnificent B-17 currently undergoing a complete restoration.  That B-17 is huge, and the way I shot this (with a 24mm lens), it makes the Scooter look big, too.   Steve and I were just talking about that last week when we were taking photos of Arlene’s beautiful custom ride…the bikes seem to be bigger than they really are.   They are actually about the size of a Vespa, but they have so many custom touches and the workmanship is so stellar they just seem to be bigger.   When I saw the above shot on my Nikon’s preview screen, I saw how big the bike looked, so I thought I’d grab another one to give a better sense of scale…


I was just about to pack it up and head back to my keyboard when I saw that another museum opened up on the airport’s west end, so I stopped to grab another shot of my Scooter, this time by a flying boat….check this one out…


We’ve got a lot of good things happening this week, folks, so keep an eye on the blog…more good info is coming your way!

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