Ooty’s Scooters In Santa Barbara

Our newest California Scooter dealer is Ooty’s Scooters in beautiful Santa Barbara, California.  Santa Barbara is about 100 miles north of Los Angeles, and it’s one of the prettiest towns in all of California.  It’s also a scooter haven, and we are delighted that Ooty’s has joined the California Scooter team.


A Chris Neely Photo From Spello, Italy. I've been to Spello, and Chris's photo captures its feel perfectly.

Chris Neely is the Ooty’s proprietor, and he’s exactly the kind of guy we want selling our bikes.   Ever meet someone you just like immediately?   Well, that’s Chris.   Steve and I both felt that way as soon as we met him.   He’s a real nice guy, and Santa Barbara, well, wow, it’s just a great place.   We think our California Scooters are perfect for Santa Barbara, and we think Ooty’s is the perfect dealership for us in this great town.   Chris is an interesting man…before starting the dealership, he and his wife traveled the world for a year, and the photographs adorning the Ooty’s showroom give a sense of that grand adventure.  The place is something of  a blend between an art gallery, a good friend’s home, and a motorcycle shop.   It’s perfect.

Chris told us he was impressed by the widespread acceptance of scooters in Europe, and he wanted to bring the fun to California.   He knew right away that Santa Barbara would be a great town for a scooter shop because of its European flair, its charm, and its overall feel.  Chris started Ooty’s Scooters about four years ago.

Steve and I were taking a trailer with a couple of bikes on it through Santa Barbara when we stopped in front of Ooty’s, and as soon as Chris saw us, his reaction was “Wow…the California Scooter Company.”   That was a good feeling.  Chris told us he’s been following the California Scooter Company through our blog, the news media, and all of the good stuff about us that’s been on the Internet.   While we were chatting in his showroom, several folks gathered around our trailer out front to check out the California Scooters, and that was pretty cool, too.  The bottom line is that Ooty’s signed on, and that’s a good thing.  Ooty’s is in the city proper at 629 East Haley Street, so the next time you’re passing through, please stop in.  You’ll like what you see, and you’ll make a new friend. 


Keep an eye on our blog, folks, because Steve is working his magic and several new dealers are joining the California Scooter team.   You’ll hear about it right here.

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