We have a winner!

That’s our good buddy Duane in the photo above, and the smile is real.   We wrapped up the entries for our CSC milsurp rifle match with all of the mail-in targets and two more entrants shooting at the West End Gun Club yesterday.   Duane took top honors with his awesome score (shot under terrible conditions, but more on that later) of 193-3X!

Duane shot a World War II trophy…a captured Mauser 98 bolt action rifle complete with enemy markings…

Duane is a cool guy.  I’ve ridden with him many times, starting several years ago when we both rode CSC Mustangs.  These days we both ride RX3 motorcycles.

Our good buddy Willie (the world’s most interesting man; watch the video below all the way to the end) was out with us yesterday, too, shooting an awesome .303 Lee Enfield rifle…

Willie shot well, but we lost his target to the high winds.  Conditions were terrible…it was extremely windy with gusts exceeding 60 mph.  I was calling hits for Willie through my scope, and I could see that half of his shots with that beautiful British bolt action were in the black.  Willie was shooting under tough conditions…the left edge of his target tore free from the target stand and it was flapping in the wind.  He was literally shooting at a moving target.   Then, just as the range master called a cease fire, Willie’s target completely separated from the stand and it took off for parts unknown.  It’s probably in Arizona by now.   It was good, but I could see it was not quite as good as Duane’s target.

Several of my friends were at the gun club with us, shooting Mosin-Nagants, 1903 Springfields, M1 carbines, and more.   World War II rifles from nearly all of the World War II belligerents were on the line!

We all went over for a grand Mexican lunch after (we always do), and it was great (like it always is).   We sure had fun yesterday.

We thank all of you who sent in your targets, and for all of our readers, if you’d like us to do this again, please let me know.

You know what?   We’re just 40 days away from the 4th annual CSC Baja Run!

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Steve’s bike…it’s on the block!

Wow, this is awesome.   Steve is selling his personal RX3 and he’s getting ready for the inbound 2018 models.  This is a 2016 RX3 with nearly every accessory you could possibly put on an RX3, and it only has 2000 miles.

The options on this motorcycle are extensive: Tourfella aluminum bags, Seat Concepts seat, the dash-mounted accessory outlets, spotlights, headlight guard, 19-inch front wheel, custom two-tone paint, kickstand pad, billet footpegs, Shinko tires, master cylinder guard, radiator guards, center stand, brake caliper guards, self-cancelling turn signals, a custom Rob-Morel-designed throttle lock, and more.  This is an amazing bike that listed for something north of $7K with all the accessories.  If you want to make it yours, give us a call at 909 445 0900 and ask for TK.

Hey, we’re 43 days away from the Baja liftoff.  You could buy this beautiful bike and ride with us!

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Cityscapes…and Baja!

Steve and I had fun this morning grabbing a few photos of the new San Gabriels. These are just two of the prototype colors; there’s a lot more coming…

Keep an eye on the blog, folks.  Exciting things are happening at CSC.

Just 44 days and we’re headed to Baja!   There’s a motorcycle here with your name on it.  Oh, by the way, your wife (or husband, as the case may be) called, and they said it was okay…

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A cool Guzzi…

I’ve  always loved Moto Guzzi motorcycles, so when Gerry showed me this one earlier today I had to grab a few photos for the blog…

One of these days.  Nah, not really.   That bike is too big for me, but it sure is pretty.

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The Long Beach Moto Show video…

Take a look at this, folks…

I remember those folks interviewing me. It was a great show and we had a lot of fun.

Baja…it’s only a few weeks away!

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A 125cc African adventure ride…

We love reading about other people’s adventure rides and we especially love it when small bikes are involved.  This one popped up a few days ago, and it’s about a ride in Africa on a 125cc motorcycle.  It’s a cool story, and you can read it here.

It just goes to show you that you don’t have to have a big bike to have fun, which is something real world adventure riders know.   Take a look at this story; we think it’s one you will enjoy.

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What a deal!

This is the last of the 2017 RX3s, folks, and I just can’t believe what Steve is doing here.   It’s a very low mileage demo bike in blue (the fastest color, according to Orlando C from Texas), it’s got the big front brake kit (that’s a $300 option), and Steve is selling it for just $2995 with a full warranty.  Check out this gorgeous RX3!

Give us a call at 909 445 0900, ask for Steve or TK, and this beautiful bike can be yours.   Buy it and ride Baja with us!

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Baja visas…

I checked on getting our visas for the upcoming Baja trip online, and it looks like that’s not a good idea.  I checked with my good buddy Geoff at BajaBound.com Insurance, and he advised against it.  Getting the visas immediately after we cross the border at the Mexican Customs office in TJ is a better approach.   The visas are $28, and they take US dollars.  That’s what we’ll do.  You’ll need a current US passport to get your Mexican visa.

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The CSC Postal Match wraps up this month!

We’re going to wrap up our CSC postal match this month, folks, and I’d sure like to encourage you to enter.  First place gets you CSC T-shirt in your size and a signed copy of Riding China (written by yours truly).  It’s one of my favorite books and that adventure was one of my all-time favorite rides, but then, all of them were.  But I digress…back to the match.

So here’s the deal…you can shoot any military-style rifle from any position (standing, sitting, prone, or from the bench) at the standard SR1 target at a distance of 50 yards.  We’ve kept the rules simple and you’re on the honor system.  It’s 20 shots in 20 minutes or less.  All we ask is that you get a photo of your rifle and your target to us not later than 31 January 2018.  We’ve got three entries so far, and we’d like to bump that number up.  You don’t have to ride a CSC motorcycle…all you need to do is be a CSC blog reader and a shooter!

Our first entry was my good buddy Rob, who rode with us on many rides.  In fact, it was right after the Destinations Ride that Rob and I went to the West End Gun Club range and Rob fired a 178-3X score with his 9mm M1 Carbine.  Right now, Rob is the man to beat…he’s holding the first place position so far.

My good buddy Bob sent in this nice note with a photo of his rifle and his target…

Hi Joe,

Thanks for sending the SR-1 target out! I picked up a few extra targets from Alco since my buddies joined me at the range.

My rifle of choice for this competition is a Finnish M39, using 147gr Tula ammo. This “new to me” rifle is a 1941 Sako manufactured rifle (using a 1897 dated receiver) on a wartime stock. It is accurate, but my aging eyes didn’t do to well at that distance. But… the results are what they are (as presented below.)

Now my buddy’s M1 Garand with its rear aperture sight was fantastically clear and very accurate. (He may chose to submit his results to you… you may remember him as he was with me when I first came out to Azusa to see the RX3).

Thanks for setting up this virtual competition!


That’s nice shooting, Bob.  I personally favor the Mosins in the military surplus rifle category.  I think they have great accuracy and at their current prices, they are one hell of a value.

We also received an entry from our good buddy Russ, shooting an M1 Garand…

Good evening Joe,

I am sending you my results from shooting an HRA M1 Garand. The rifle came from CMP and has a serial number of 4.7 million, meaning it was produced in ’54.

My results leave much to be desired, but I am new to rifle shooting and this was my first time shooting my new-to-me M1. The score appears to be 161.

Thanks for setting this this up.


Russ, thank you for sending your entry in.   The M1 is a great rifle…it’s one of my favorites. That’s great shooting!

So there you have it, folks…three entries so far and we’re expecting more.   TK and Willie are shooting with us on the 28th, and we’d like to encourage more of you to do the same in your area and send your photos and targets to us (email them to info@cscmotorcycles.com). We look forward to receiving your entries!

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The Young Turks, piling on the miles…

Wow.   50,000 km!   I would love to ride Turkey some day!  I’ve been to Turkey many times and it is a beautiful country.

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