Thermopolis, Wyoming

One of our objectives on this trip across the American West was to avoid the freeway as much as possible, and I’m happy to report that on our run from Yellowstone to Casper yesterday we were 100% successful.  One of the towns we visited was Thermopolis, a delightful little place that looks and feels like America.  I really like Wyoming.

160819_3775-650Thermopolis gets its name from its mineral hot springs.   We loved the place, and after a fantastic lunch at the One-Eyed Buffalo, we walked around town a bit.   There’s a dynamite town square with a statue of a cowboy on horseback, and on the statue’s pedestal they had an assortment of area ranch brands…

160819_3767-650160819_3768-650I started laughing when I saw all of the brands, and Sue asked me why.  I told her it reminded me of the old Bill Dana joke.  Bill Dana is the guy who created the fictional Jose Jiminez character, and this is my favorite story of that era.   Dana was on the Steve Allen show, and Allen said to Dana “I understand you own a ranch.”

Dana answered, “yes, the name of my ranch is the Bar Nine Circle Z Rocking O Flying W Lazy O Crazy Two Happy Seven Bar 17 Parallelogram Four Octagon Nine Trapezoid Six Ranch.”

Allen then asked, “Well, do you have many cattle?”

Dana, of course, had the perfect answer:  “No…not many survive the branding.”

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A few more from Yellowstone…

The first time I ever visited Yellowstone was just 2 years ago, and I did so with my good friends from China and my good buddy Joe Gresh.  That was an RX3 adventure that you can read about in 5000 Miles At 8000 RPM (you can order the book by clicking on link to your right).  I get to see a lot of great places from the seat of a CSC motorcycle, and the joy of discovery is often accompanied by a twinge of guilt that Sue isn’t with me.   This trip was partly to make up for that and it was Sue’s first time to this magnificent place.  We spent yesterday morning traversing Yellowstone from west to east and I grabbed a few more photos along the way…

160819_3698-650160819_3703-900-650160819_3736-900-650160819_3725-900-650160819_3723-900-650160819_3724-900-650We’re in Casper, Wyoming, this morning, and we’re headed down to Fort Collins, Colorado in a bit.   Stay tuned, folks…there’s more coming!

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Shoshoni, Wyoming

Shoshoni is not much more than a bulge in the road and it looks like it has seen better times, but I fell in love with the place.  It’s about 150 miles southeast of Yellowstone on Wyoming SR 789.

These old towns are cool.  With a population of just 644 (which is substantially larger than a lot of the towns scattered throughout Wyoming; we actually saw one with a sign that read “Population 10”), Shoshoni offers amazing photo ops.  I could have spent the entire day in this one town.  I may ride here on my RX3 some day and do just that.

160819_3797-900-650160819_3789-800-650160819_3800-900-650160819_3819-900-650160819_3795-900-650160819_3791-900-650160819_3793-900-650160819_3804-900-650160819_3813-650160819_3807-900-650160819_3811-900-650160819_3811-900-1-860160819_3809-900-650Shoshoni is on Wyoming’s Sand Creek Massacre Trail, and that’s another road that’s worth considering for an RX3 ride.

Good times, folks.

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West Yellowstone, Montana!

Today was a great ride from Green River, Wyoming across the lower flatlands of that great state into the mountains, on to Jackson, then Grand Teton National Park, then Yellowstone National Park, and on into Montana.   We had quite a day.

Antelope running free on the Wyoming plains

Antelope running free on the Wyoming plains


The Grand Tetons

Yep, we're there!

Yep, we’re there!

Elk in Grand Teton National Park, photographed by Sue

Elk in Grand Teton National Park, photographed by Sue

Kirby and Nolan, who are taking a year to travel the world. Their website and blog is at

Kirby and Nolan, who are taking a year to travel the world. Their website and blog are at

The obligatory selfie, courtesy of Kirby's shades

The obligatory selfie, courtesy of Kirby’s shades

Old Faithful...everybody needs to see this

Old Faithful…everybody needs to see this

We entered Yellowstone National Park at the south entrance today and exited at the west entrance into the town of West Yellowstone, Montana.   Tomorrow we’re going to run across the park from west to east and spend the night in Casper, Wyoming.   Good times, folks.   Watch the blog; there’s more coming!

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We rode Utah’s Dinosaur Alley today, from Hanksville all the way to Flaming Gorge National Monument.   This is fascinating stuff…the Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway and then the stretch from Vernal to Flaming Gorge.      Very cool, and tonight we made Green River, Wyoming.  Tomorrow we’re rolling up to Montana to stay in West Yellowstone.

160817_3499-650160817_3503-650160817_3518-650160817_3551-650160817_3554-650160817_3528-650Stay tuned…there’s more to follow!

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Tonight, Hanksville; tomorrow, Flaming Gorge!

Wow, we’re hunkered down here in Hanksville, one of my all-time favorite movies (Enemy at the Gates) just popped up on the motel TV, and we hit three of Utah’s great parks today.  My good buddy Joe Gresh asked if I was scouting out a new tour for CSC, and I guess I am.   It’s not the Destinations Deal tour that’s coming up in October…this is one we’ll probably do in the late spring/early summer of 2018.

Sue, yours truly, and the Subie touched down in Kodachrome Basin, Escalante, and Capitol Reef today.   I’ll let the photos do the talking for me tonight…

First, Kodachrome Basin State Park.  This is the first time I’ve ever been to this one…and it’s awesome!

160816_3346-800-650160816_3327-800-650160816_3341-900-650Next up today was Escalante.   This one is beyond awesome, and the road through it…all I can say is:  When can I do this again!

160816_3367-900-650160816_3384-800-650160816_3394-800-650And finally, Capitol Reef….one more stunningly surreal bit of Utah’s magnificent landscape!


That’s it for tonight, my friends.  I’ve got a great movie to watch, I want to get a good night’s sleep, and tomorrow we’re headed to Flaming Gorge and Wyoming!

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A date with destiny…and our upcoming rifle match!

Or, as I should more properly say, the dates for the Destinations Deal tour:  It’s going to be from 22 to 27 October.   We’re already seeing a lot of interest in this and folks are calling to find out the dates, so there you have it.   It’s an ideal trip and now is the ideal time to buy a new RX3.

Hey, I’m in Utah right now with my girlfriend checking out a few spots.   We covered a lot of ground this first day, but I have a confession to make:  I’m in my Subie, and I’m not on the motorcycle.  It’s still fun, though, and we rolled through California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah, we visited a National Monument I’d never been to before (Cedar Breaks), and we ended the day in Panguitch, Utah.   You guys will remember that…it’s where we stayed one night on the Western America Adventure Ride.  Good times.   Here are few photos from today…

The Virgin River Gorge in Arizona, just south of St. George, Utah

The Virgin River Gorge in Arizona, just south of St. George, Utah

Climbing up to 10.500 feet to take in Cedar Breaks National Park...a view through the Subie's windshield

Climbing up to 10,500 feet to Cedar Breaks National Monument…the view through the Subie’s windshield

One of the views in Cedar Breaks National Park

One of the views in Cedar Breaks National Monument

I’m having a good time.

We’ve had a few inquiries about the rifle match between good buddy Stephen and yours truly, and they have been along the lines of “can I play, too?”   The answer, of course, is yes.  It will be a postal match (you mail in your target) with 20 rounds at a 100-yard target shot offhand with iron sights, no supports, and the rifle of your choice.   We’re going to use the standard SR-1 bullseye target.  If you’re interested and you want to participate, send us a note at and if you’re in, we’ll send a target to you.

Here’s what the SR-1 target looks like…

TargetI know you’re wondering, so here’s the answer:  The 9-ring (the black portion of the SR-! target) has a diameter of 6.35 inches.

There’s going to be a lot more info on the Destinations Deal Tour, our rifle match, and a whole lot more.  You’ll see it all right here on the CSC blog, so stay tuned!

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The Destinations Deal

Want to ride with us in October?   No motorcycle?  No problem!  We have an app for that, and it’s called the RX3 Cyclone!

Give us a call at 909 445 0900!

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The Destinations Deal

Preliminary planning for our California/Arizona/Utah/Nevada ride is shaping up nicely, and we’ve got some great things in store for those of you who opt to ride with us.  We don’t know if we’re going to call this the Destinations ride, the ET ride, or maybe just the Autumn ride.    But we have a hell of a deal on a new motorcycle if you buy one for this ride, and we’re calling that the Destinations Deal.

We’re planning on riding the third week in October (it’s the soonest we can do it).  That rules out the stretch from Bryce to Capitol Reef (it gets too cold at the higher elevations and it would be impossible to ride that far east and back in the amount of time we have available).  So, here’s what it’s looking like so far…

ItineraryWe’ll ride from Azusa through California’s Mojave Desert to Laughlin, Nevada on the first day, with a stop that afternoon in historic Oatman, Arizona.   It’s beautiful country and you’ll love the scenery.

Oatman during one of the rally weekends

Day 2 will bring us to the Grand Canyon.   They didn’t call it Grand just because they were getting paid by the adjective.   It’s one of our greatest National Parks.  When I was there with our guests from China, we actually had an elk walk right up to us.  I’ve been there several times and I’ll never pass on an opportunity to see it again.

There's a reason they call it Grand!

There’s a reason they call it Grand!

From the Grand Canyon, we’re off to see another one of the greatest places on Earth:  Zion National Park.   Zion is incredible and there’s a little Mexican restaurant in Springdale (just outside of Zion) that’s superb.

Good buddy Zuo in Zion National Park

Day 4 will take us through the Utah and Nevada mountains and plains to Tonopah.  It’s one of our longer days at about 350 miles, and you might be wondering:  What’s in Tonopah?  Well, not too much, but we’ll be riding the entire length of the world famous ExtraTerrestrial Highway.   You may just run into someone you weren’t expecting to see, and if he’s a little green guy with antennas popping out of his noggin, don’t say I didn’t warn you.  Hey, the ExtraTerrestrial Highway on an RX3!  Could it get any better?

Nevada 375 - The ExtraTerrestrial Highway

Nevada 375 – The ExtraTerrestrial Highway

Well, yes, it can, and that brings us to Day 5.  We’re going to run the length of California’s Death Valley, another locale with stunning views.  We’ll spend the night in Baker, home of the world famous Mad Greek restaurant, where we’ll have a fine Mediterranean dinner.  I love that place.

Riding a Mustang across Death Valley…yep, we rode those little 150s all over!

Our last day on the road will take to the historic train depot in Kelso, we’ll ride through more of the magnificent Mojave, and from there it’s on home to Azusa.  Oh, one more thing…I know the owner and founder of the Del Taco restaurant chain.   When good buddy Ed sold the business, he kept the three original Barstow Del Taco restaurants.   Ed still personally runs those three spots and if you want a burrito that is the mother of all burritos…well, trust me on this one, too, my friends:  It’s as good as it gets.

The Mad Greek in Baker...I love that place!

The Mad Greek in Baker…I love that place!

You know, as I was planning this ride, I became more and more excited about it.  I realized I have been to and thoroughly enjoyed every one of these spots, and then I realized, hey, I wrote “Destinations” articles about each for Motorcycle Classics magazine.   If you want a preview of what you’re going to see, here you go…just click on any of the links below!

It’s going to be grand, and like all of our tours, we’re doing it for several reasons.

We like to ride our RX3 motorcycles.  Hey, you already knew that!

We’re not just selling motorcycles.  We’re selling the adventure riding experience!  Well, actually, we’re not selling the experience…that’s free.  Yep, we’re not charging anybody anything to ride with us (you’ll just have to pay your personal expenses as you incur them).  Compare that to what you’d pay for a 6-day motorcycle tour with anybody else.  You might look at it this way:  If you were to buy a new RX3 just to go on this tour, it’s almost as if you’re getting the motorcycle for free.

And on that topic, if you don’t have an RX3 motorcycle, this is a great time to buy one.  If you already have an RX3, good on you!   But if you don’t and you’ve been thinking about it, and if you want to participate in one of our grand adventure tours, this is your opportunity to jump in.   We have a small number of 2017 RX3 left motorcycles and they’re not going to last long.  If you want a killer deal on a brand new RX3, give us a call at 909 445 0900, tell whoever answers the phone you want to ride with us in October, and tell them you want the Destinations Deal.   But you have to act quickly.  When the 2017s are gone, they’re gone!

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Another Guzzi I always wanted…

160811_3162-650I spotted this beauty at the plant today.  My first question was:  Is it one that we’re selling?   But nope, the Moto Guzzi was in for service.   It sure is a beautiful motorcycle.  Some day…

We sure are moving a lot of consignment bikes and the number keeps growing.  I saw a super clean Sportster in the showroom today that made me think about “needs” versus “wants” yet again.  Seems the word about our ability to get top dollar for clean used bikes is getting around.  If you have a motorcycle you’d like to sell, give us a call at 909 445 0900.

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