Joel’s San Gabriel photos…

My good buddy Joel sent his awesome photos from our ride in the San Gabriels to me last night.  They’re great…they show Joel, our friend Mark, and of course, the new CSC San Gabriel motorcycle…

Joel and Mark are both mechanical engineers, which is, of course, one of the world’s most noble professions (don’t ask me how I know).  They are also avid riders, and they sure put the new San Gabriels through their paces yesterday.  It was a great ride, and you can bet we’ll have a similarly awesome run planned for next month’s CSC Dual Sports and Donuts ride.   Watch the blog; we’ll be announcing it shortly!

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This weekend’s ride…

We had a great time, with 19 riders, perfect weather, and glorious roads.  I’ll let the photos do most of the talking…

Our group, up in the San Gabriels.

Bruce and his gorgeous Morgan three-wheeler.

Yours truly in Barb’s shades.

A San Gabriel and my RX3.

Chris and his Victory.

Doc Martin with his PC800.

Tuan’s buddy on the white San Gabriel.

Joe, ME Extraordinaire, with a satin blue San Gabriel.

Dave and the Gold Wing.

Mark, a happy San Gabriel rider.

On the road in the San Gabriels.

Riding the East Fork road.

Joel and Mark, riding San Gabriels, at Camp Williams.

Chasing Barb and Tom, heading higher on Glendora Mountain Road.

Good buddy Steven, aka “GS Man.”

Tom and Barb, our “Scooteristas.”

Captain Kirk, the Suzuki Wee-Strom dude!

Dave up on Glendora Ridge Road.

Twin Peaks Steve and his magic carpet RX3. Steve covers a lot of miles and adventures on this motorcycle.

Dale and his beautiful blue RX3. He’s a great guy and he rides the best adventure touring motorcycle on the planet.

Sandy, who rode with us for the first time this weekend.

Duane, my good buddy who is another RX3 rider. Duane and I ride a lot of miles together.

Good buddy Richard, another “Scooterista.”

Joel and Mark, who rode the San Gabriels this weekend. Both are mechanical engineers…my kind of people!

Good buddy Marty II and his super-cool KLR 650. Marty, we have an RX3 with your name on it!

Another photo of Sandy and her Honda.

Sharp-shooting Jim and his Royal Enfield. Jim also has an RX3, and he rode Baja with us this year.

Steve, the guy who makes it all possible. This is a guy who loves his work!

That’s it for now, but there’s more coming. I’ve got a bunch of photos from Joel, and a ton of video, so keep an eye on the blog…there’s lots more coming!

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Tomorrow, we ride…

…but today was like any other day at CSC early in the a.m., which consists of pushing all the bikes out of the shop and putting them on display…

The ride tomorrow will be a great one.  After a couple of cold days earlier this week, the temperatures are now in the 80s and 90s, so Glendora Ridge Road will be awesome.   Be here before 9:00 a.m., because that’s when we are rolling out.  I’ll be on my gorgeous black TT250, and Steve will be on his custom TT250 demo bike…

We’ve got a couple of guys who will be riding the new San Gabriels, and you can bet I’ll get lots of photos.   And, we’ve got our sale going, so it will be an opportunity to score big time…

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A couple of cool links…

A good cup of black coffee, a peanut butter granola bar (the breakfast of champions), and a couple of emails with great links…life doesn’t get much better than this.

The first was an email from Motorcycle Classics magazine (the world’s best motorcycle magazine) with a link to an awesome blog.   It’s about Kim Scholer, a Dane riding a 250cc MZ across the US.  You can read it here:

The next was a series of article excerpts written by Jack O’Connor, who was flat-out the best gun writer on the planet.  Nobody said (or says) it better than Mr. O’Connor.  He’s the guy who helped put the Winchester Model 70 on the map (it’s one of my all time favorites), and it was a fabulous read.  That one is here:

Enjoy, folks.

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The CSC San Gabriel!

Things are moving along, folks.  We’re getting questions about the specs and dimensions on the new San Gabriel, so I thought I would post this again for everyone to see…

We were taking a few photos this morning for our San Gabriel advertisements, and this is one of my favorites…

These bikes are great.   On our Saturday ride (hey, it’s just a few days away) we’ll have a couple of the San Gabriels out.  It’s going to be a great time to grab a few photos and maybe even get a little seat time on one!

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We sure get a lot of Harleys in here for service, repair, and upgrades.   It’s fun to see these bikes.  The custom paint on many of them is just stunning, and even the ones with factory paint look great.

Matt says hi!

We get more than a few classic bikes in as well, which is cool, too.  They make for great photo ops.

We’re working up a few more photos of the new San Gabriel bikes.   We’ll be posting them later today or tomorrow.   There’s a lot happening here getting ready for the San Gabriel rollout, and we’ll be riding them in the San Gabriels this weekend.  Stay tuned!

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Happy May!

Wow, here we are.  It’s May already.  Where does the time go?

It’s cold here in southern California today, and it’s been overcast and drizzly all day long.  But I think I need to fire up my TT250 and put a few miles on tonight.  More on that in a moment.

Riding the ridge…as in Glendora Ridge Road. The flowers will be in full bloom this Saturday!

I’m looking forward to this Saturday. It’s our monthly Dual Sports and Donuts ride, and we’re doing the Glendora Ridge Road loop ride. It’s awesome. We’ve got 12 guys signed up already, and it’s going to be grand. If you’d like to ride with us, please sign up here on our page. The weather is supposed to be great (as in 90 degrees great) and we’ll have two of our new San Gabriel motorcycles with us. It’s a good opportunity to see the bike.

Watch the blog for more info on the San Gabriel. This bike will make waves big time.

Speaking of the San Gabriel motorcycle, we’re finalizing pricing, delivery, and a few other things right now. When we announce the San Gabriel’s price, it will be another instance in which we rock the industry. You’ll hear it here first, and we’ll announce it later this month.

My TT250 in Baja. It’s a great bike.

I realized I haven’t put too many miles on my TT250 lately, and that’s a situation I aim to fix starting tonight. I keep both of my bikes on a Battery Tender (you can buy one here), and I know the TT250 will be topped off and charged up come Saturday morning. I love that bike.  I think it’s the best deal in all of motorcycling.

I received the latest copy of Motorcyclist magazine a few days ago, and I’m enjoying it. I like the new format and the stories are great. I’m really looking forward to getting the next issue of RoadRunner magazine; I know it’s going to have a great story in it.   You should buy it.  Trust me on this; you’ll love it.

Last topic for today, and that’s Facebook. I hate the thing. I know they make a lot of money, but after watching that guy answering questions in front of Congress and learning about what they do with your personal information, I go on Facebook very little any more. We use Facebook to sell motorcycles, but it’s becoming less and less effective and they are a terribly nonresponsive business. You can’t reach a Facebook business or technical rep on the phone, and they make it impossible to ask your specific questions online or via email. If I didn’t have to use Facebook for CSC, I’d drop my account completely. When I see people glued to their cell phones mindlessly scrolling through Facebook or Instagram (another silly program, in my opinion), I wonder where the world is going.  My advice? Get out and do something real. Go for a motorcycle ride. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents.  I’m going to follow my own advice and fire up the TT250.  Yeah, that’s the ticket…

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Big recoil, tiny groups…

The Classic 700 in 7mm Weatherby Magnum

A week or so ago I mentioned a new toy…a Remington 700 Classic rifle chambered in the venerable 7mm Weatherby Magnum cartridge.  This rifle is quite a setup and, I think, quite a score for me personally.  I’ve been a huge fan of Weatherby rifles ever since I was a little boy, when my father bought a Weatherby for chasing woodchucks in New Jersey.   Back in the day, woodchucks were about the only thing you could hunt with a rifle in New Jersey.  I grew up in a farming community (there’s a reason New Jersey is called the Garden State), and the farmers in our area give my Dad free rein to cull the chuck population.  Those little woodchucks did a lot of crop  damage, and the farmers were grateful that my Dad was able send those critters on to their reward.   As a little kid tagging along with Dad, it was grand fun.  It was not at all unusual for him to take (and make) 400-yard shots, with his rifle resting across the hood of his ’65 F-100 Ford (there were a lot of powder burns on that old pickup truck).  Like I said, it was grand.

Just before I went to Korea, my Dad bought a Weatherby rifle for me as a going-away gift, and I loved it.  I shot the barrel out of that rifle (yep, I shot it so much I just wore it out) and then I had it redone with a Douglas barrel in 300 H&H.  But the 7mm Weatherby Mag cartridge had its hooks into me, and they never let go.   The idea is that a 7mm projectile is aerodynamically more efficient than a .30 caliber bullet (the 7mm is 0.284 inches in diameter, where a .30 caliber bullet is 0.308 inches in diameter).   For the same weight, the 7mm cartridge has a lower drag coefficient, so it retains more velocity downrange and has a tighter trajectory.

All of the above is probably more theoretical than real world, but I still like the idea of a streamlined, hard-hitting, flat-shooting, hot 7mm.   And that’s what the 7mm Weatherby cartridge is.  It was one of Roy Weatherby’s first magnum chamberings, and it has been the fastest 7mm cartridge ever for many decades.

The 7mm Weatherby cartridge. Note the classic Weatherby double radius shoulder…the theory is the double radii act as a venturi, providing higher projectile velocities. It’s probably more marketing magic than real world measureable bullet speed, but I’m a believer.

I’ve also always been a fan of the Remington 700 rifle.  Remington had a run of these they labeled the “Classic” for a little more than 20 years, with the idea being that each year they would do a rifle in one chambering only.  That ended more than 20 years ago and until recently, I had never owned one of the Remington Classics.  That all changed last month, though, when I saw an ad on one of the Internet gun sites for a new old stock Classic in 7mm Weatherby Magnum, the cartridge Remington offered with this rifle for one year in the early 1990s.   It was one of their lowest production quantity years for the Classic, the rifle was new in the box, the cartridge is awesome, and unlike most of the Classics I had previously seen, it had killer wood.  Hey, what’s not to like?  I bought the rifle from Heritage Shooting Academy in Triangle, Virginia, and it was a great deal.  If anything, the rifle is better than advertised, and you can’t argue with the way it shoots (which I’ll get to in a second).

The only problem with all of this is that these uber-velocity cartridges generally give up what they gain in speed to accuracy.   But that sure isn’t the case with this rifle and cartridge combination.  I reloaded different cartridges trying various powder charges using two different bullets, and the groups that resulted (all at 100 yards) were nothing short of phenomenal….

The trick here is to load toward the higher end of the powder charge spectrum to more fully fill those big belted magnum cases (it’s supposed to result in a more uniform pressure wave/flame front when the go-juice lights up), and I guess it works.   But more powder results in more velocity, and that means more recoil.   But wowee, these are great results!  These are phenomenally tight groups and the little bit of dispersion you see is undoubtedly more me than the rifle or the ammo.   I am one happy camper.

I’ll be back on the rifle range tomorrow, but you can bet I am also hard at work getting set up for next Saturday’s Dual Sports and Donuts ride, the campaign we are about to launch on our new San Gabriel motorcycle, the east coast CSC ride we mentioned earlier, and the new bikes we are bringing to America.   There’s lots going on, folks!

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The San Gabriels this Saturday!

On our monthly Dual Sports and Donuts ride next Saturday, Steve and I will both be riding the new CSC San Gabriel motorcycles…

We’d love to have you ride with us next Saturday.  I’ll be shooting a lot of photos and doing some video on this ride.   If you would like to join us on this great ride, please sign up on our page. Oh, and please keep an eye on the blog. We’ll have lots more info on the new CSC San Gabriel motorcycle in the near future.

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An awesome TT250…

Check out this beautiful, tastefully-accessorized TT250, folks…

The red-and-black colors on this bike really work, and I like the look.  We’ve got a ton of goodies on this bike and you’ve probably spotted them already, but allow me to point them out.

First, we’ve added Shinko 805 knobbies front and rear…

How about this very cool Eklipes power outlet?

The Acerbis brushguards are really cool…

…and so is our ultra-heavy-duty skid plate…

We’ve added left and right mini spotlights (with mounts), too!

And finally, here’s a competition exhaust system for off-road use only (not legal in California)…

Just so you could see the new 2018 dash and hear this puppy roar, here are a couple of quick videos…

Cool stuff, and it’s no small wonder the TT250s are flying out of here.  Give us a call at 909 445 0900 and you could be riding one of these great motorcycles!

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