Happy May!

Wow, here we are.  It’s May already.  Where does the time go?

It’s cold here in southern California today, and it’s been overcast and drizzly all day long.  But I think I need to fire up my TT250 and put a few miles on tonight.  More on that in a moment.

Riding the ridge…as in Glendora Ridge Road. The flowers will be in full bloom this Saturday!

I’m looking forward to this Saturday. It’s our monthly Dual Sports and Donuts ride, and we’re doing the Glendora Ridge Road loop ride. It’s awesome. We’ve got 12 guys signed up already, and it’s going to be grand. If you’d like to ride with us, please sign up here on our Meetup.com page. The weather is supposed to be great (as in 90 degrees great) and we’ll have two of our new San Gabriel motorcycles with us. It’s a good opportunity to see the bike.

Watch the blog for more info on the San Gabriel. This bike will make waves big time.

Speaking of the San Gabriel motorcycle, we’re finalizing pricing, delivery, and a few other things right now. When we announce the San Gabriel’s price, it will be another instance in which we rock the industry. You’ll hear it here first, and we’ll announce it later this month.

My TT250 in Baja. It’s a great bike.

I realized I haven’t put too many miles on my TT250 lately, and that’s a situation I aim to fix starting tonight. I keep both of my bikes on a Battery Tender (you can buy one here), and I know the TT250 will be topped off and charged up come Saturday morning. I love that bike.  I think it’s the best deal in all of motorcycling.

I received the latest copy of Motorcyclist magazine a few days ago, and I’m enjoying it. I like the new format and the stories are great. I’m really looking forward to getting the next issue of RoadRunner magazine; I know it’s going to have a great story in it.   You should buy it.  Trust me on this; you’ll love it.

Last topic for today, and that’s Facebook. I hate the thing. I know they make a lot of money, but after watching that guy answering questions in front of Congress and learning about what they do with your personal information, I go on Facebook very little any more. We use Facebook to sell motorcycles, but it’s becoming less and less effective and they are a terribly nonresponsive business. You can’t reach a Facebook business or technical rep on the phone, and they make it impossible to ask your specific questions online or via email. If I didn’t have to use Facebook for CSC, I’d drop my account completely. When I see people glued to their cell phones mindlessly scrolling through Facebook or Instagram (another silly program, in my opinion), I wonder where the world is going.  My advice? Get out and do something real. Go for a motorcycle ride. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents.  I’m going to follow my own advice and fire up the TT250.  Yeah, that’s the ticket…

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