More Real Cannonball Inputs!

Folks, more exciting inputs from The Real Cannonball scooter rally, this time from Bill Murar, the father and founder of the Lake Erie Loop:

Since returning to reality, I’ve begun to understand the enormity of what we all did. In the next few days I’ll begin to analyze all the fuel usage, the miles per day, and pretty much all the useless facts and figures that no one will ever understand as we are the only ones who can absorb their meaning.

I have crossed this continent six times on two wheels. This ride we did was, by far, the most stressful, hardest, most difficult ride I have ever done.   My rides to Alaska and the ride Joyce and I did to the Labrador Highway and back were a cakewalk compared to this windblown, 104 degree high and 37 degree low challenge. We fought and beat the winter storm called Achilles, We endured and thrived on California’s Santa Ana winds that blew fire and destruction to the northern LA area.  Deb and I (on our way back to Ohio) stayed one step ahead of tornadoes that killed a number of people in Texas and Oklahoma.

All of us, finishers or not, are true champions for even attempting such an endeavor.

Three cheers for us all:  Hip, hip hooray!


Great story, Bill.  And for our loyal blog readers, Bill sent along a bunch of his photos…

Thanks again, Bill!

Oh, one more thing, folks….the Lake Erie Loop is about to start again!  We’ll keep you posted!


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