I waved at you, Russ!

Whoa, another note from one of our good buddies in the Midwest USA!

Hey, Joe:

We could have literally passed in the night north of K.C. as my wife and I were headed to K.C. from Iowa at exactly the time you were down the road with snow and half asleep!!  Hard to tell exactly which “small” town you visited as in this neck of the woods most towns are small, tho, having a DQ means you were not in a really small town, just smaller than L.A.?  We love your reporting of these very secret meetings around the world and know you have our best interests at heart. 

Your scooter buddy…


Yep, I saw you, Russ…didn’t you see me waving? 

No, I really didn’t (just kidding), but you are right…I was pretty tired.  Thank the good Lord for 24-hour McDonald’s and their senior citizen coffee!  I sure drank a bunch of it that night!


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