The Long Beach Moto Show – Part 1

Just a quick note today, folks, before I’m back on the road again.  I spent yesterday with Steve and TK at the Long Beach International Motorcycle Show and it was great!  All of our bikes received a lot of attention, but two stood out…the BabyDoll and Steve’s original ’53 Mustang Pony!

The BabyDoll grabbed a lot of attention!

Everyone wanted a shot of themselves on the BabyDoll, and everyone was in awe of Steve’s original ’53 Pony, the bike that ultimately led to the California Scooter Company!

Check out the next issue of Motorcycle Classics magazine for a great story about Mustangs and California Scooter Company!

One of the great things about these shows is that you get to see old friends, make new friends, and you can check out the latest from other manufacturers.    It’s a two-way street with regard to that last comment…the other manufacturers had a fun time checking out our bikes, too!

The smile is real...and it's coming from the folks who know how to let the good times roll!

There were a lot of really cool things to see there, including the star of one of the best movies I’ve ever seen!

The World's Fastest Indian, brought to you by Bert Munro!

And one of the best parts?  Seeing the excitement generated by everyone who visited with us yesterday!

Another generation captivated by the Mustang mystique!

That’s it for now, folks! Keep an eye on the blog…there’s lots more coming from the Long Beach moto show!

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