Ercoupes, Classics, and Greasers…

Ever heard of an Ercoupe?

Don’t feel too bad…I never had, either.   But when I rolled into the plant this morning and saw this puppy parked across the lot at Howard Aviation, I knew I had to find out more.   My first thought was “wow, that is a cool airplane…” and my second was “I gotta get a photo of a maroon Classic with that airplane!”

I walked in and spoke with Mr. Howard (he’s a very cool guy).   He was fine with me grabbing a few photos.

Mr. Howard told me the Ercoupe has been manufactured by several companies.  The design predates World War II, and they were built until 1968.   These airplanes have no rudder pedals…when you steer with the yoke, it turns the twin rudders on the tail.   Ercoupes were intended to be the easiest and safest airplanes to fly.  The name is an acronym formed from the name of the original manufacturer (the Engineering Research Company).

So, about that shot with the Classic…

And I grabbed a couple more of the airplane…

Oh, and here’s another shot completely unrelated to the stuff above.  The weather is awesome right now, and I’ve been out on my CSC a lot lately. When I was out on the Baja Blaster the other day, I had my Nikon hanging around my neck when this fellow pulled up alongside me at a light…

It’s a pretty cool old vertical twin Triumph 500, done up in the same style as our Greaser.   That’s a very cool look, and this fellow had it nailed right down to the red rims and whitewalls.

Classic hot rod colors on a classic bike...the Greaser, by CSC Motorcycles!

That’s it for today, folks….stay tuned!

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