Hi Yo Silver, Away…..

Yep, that’s what that earlier blog was all about…check out another one of our CSC custom motorcycles…a blacked-out Classic with silver tank and fenders…

This one is just awesome, folks…the photo doesn’t do it justice.   The bike is visually arresting.  Trust me on this: It will stop you in your tracks and slap the cuffs on!  Funny thing is we did it just to see how inexpensively we could do a custom bike with a new look, and it ended up looking richer than anything we’ve made so far.   Think black axle adjusters, tail light, turn signals, hubs, handlebars, risers, seat springs, cups, headlight, air can covers, fender struts, mirrors, gas cap…and the list goes on.   You get the idea.  Steve painted the tank and fenders the same silver as our stock wheels and fork lowers, and the color combo is awesome!

The obvious question is this…how much would a custom CSC motorcycle like the Silver cost?   Well, folks, you’d be surprised.  Give us a call at 800 884 4173.   You might want to lock up your credit card before you do, though.   With our retail financing and this bike’s cost, it might just be too tempting…

While we were looking at the Silver the other day, I thought about other bikes we’ve done with matching wheels, tanks, and fenders.  There’s my Baja Blaster, of course…

I love that photo.   I took it in Panamint Springs when we did the Hell’s Loop Rally through Death Valley.   I use it as the desktop on my computer.   I still smile every time I see it because I remember what a great 400-mile one-day ride that was.

We’ve done a number of red-on-red Classics in the past.  They’re fun to do…the Greaser’s red wheels are an exact match to the Classic’s lipstick red.   When I first saw one I knew it was what I wanted, and Steve and the boys were happy to fix me up with one.    We’ve done a number of bikes in this “Little Red Wagon” color scheme, and for reasons that are obvious, they’re very popular with firefighters!

Another matching set of colors I really like is our Military Series bike in OD green.  Those colors just flat work.    Steve’s Sarge bike has been a showstopper from Day One.  Speaking of which, here are a couple of guys admiring it at the LA Roadster show…

And how about the test mule we did a ways back…Ol’ Yeller…another show stopper if ever there was one!

Ol’ Yeller was a funny deal…we didn’t build it to be a custom.  Tony just cobbled it together from parts he had in the shop so that we could evaluate some engineering changes.  The yellow wheels don’t quite match the bike’s yellow tank and fenders, but the look sure works.  I can’t go anywhere on that bike without people asking about it.   It even happens at traffic lights, and then the light usually changes before I can answer.  I once had a lady follow me back to the shop to get a better look!

You get the idea. There are a lot of possibilities when crafting a custom CSC, and one of the easiest things to do is match the wheels to the tank and fenders. Any specific color combos you folks think will work?  Let us know…like I said earlier, we really do enjoy hearing from you!

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