No, it’s not likely we’re going to release a boxer twin CSC any time soon, but when my good buddy Carlos sent this elegant video to me, I knew in the first couple of seconds I’d have to share it with you!
Thanks very much, Carl…it’s a super video. You know, I think in another 50 years or so people will be viewing some of the bikes we’re making right now the same way that video shows those elegant Teutonic twins. In moving from the old Mustang to the modern CSC, we’ve kept the magic while improving the breed…
And maybe something a little less elegant in the way of interesting videos…being a gearhead on a secret mission, I couldn’t resist trying out a new trike. I’m just a passenger in this one, but boys and girls, grab a cup of coffee and let’s go for a tuk tuk ride!
4 Responses to Boxer Twins, Classic Ponies, and Tuk Tuks!