International Update!

Local 44 of the IATSE (the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) recently purchased a Greaser for a raffle in Malibu, and our new good buddy Eric Nelson won it.  Eric stopped by the plant to pick up his new Scooter today, and he sure looked happy!  Hey, who wouldn’t be!

Eric, Steve, and Eric's brand new Greaser!

More good stuff, folks…lots of CSC motorcycles are headed to Australia.  Tony and his crew have been diligently working a big shipment for the Land Down Under, and they are due to leave La Verne shortly…

These bikes and more, including all the ones already crated in the background, are headed to the Land of Oz!

Selling bikes in the southern hemisphere is a good thing (that’s where Australia is), as their summer is our winter (and vice versa).  It takes the seasonality out of the motorcycle business, so we don’t experience the “driving off a cliff” sales drop that other manufacturers do as we approach our winter.   It’s a cool deal.

CSC in Death Valley, November 2011!

And even more good stuff…we’re now selling bikes in…wait for it…Japan!  You know what they say…you meet the nicest people on a CSC!   (You old timers out there, like me, will remember that advertising line…and how it rocked the motorcycling world in the 1960s…)

You know, I’m still thinking about that great Death Valley Hell’s Loop endurance rally we ran last weekend.  It sure was fun, and I’ve already forgotten about how cold it was.   All I remember is the great riding, and it sure had plenty of that.   There’s something special about our great Mojave Desert, and there’s something very special about Death Valley.   The scenes were vivid, as are the memories.   If you’re thinking about riding a California Scooter, you’re thinking in the right direction.  Take all the excuses and all the reasons why you haven’t joined our world yet, put them in a bag, and toss them.   This is a fun lifestyle and these are great motorcycles.   I’m really proud of our bikes…400 miles of running flat out through Death Valley, with the throttle pegged nearly the entire time, and we never missed a beat.   To borrow another old advertising slogan, our CSC motorcycle engines can take a licking and they’ll keep on ticking!

That’s it for now, folks.   More to follow in the next few days!


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