Moving right along…

And boy oh boy, are we ever…

Steve and crew were up in Pleasanton for the Good Guys show last weekend, we’re headed up to the Reno Air Races to display our CSC motorcycles in a few more days, I’m having fun in Arizona right now, and on Friday night I’m gonna be doing my 007 secret agent impersonation when I go “wheels in the wells” and head to Thailand. Wow, are we ever racking up the miles!

Steve grabbed a bunch of super photos up in Pleasanton, but I’m in a hotel in Arizona with what has to be the world’s slowest Internet connection.   I’ll post a few here, with the rest to follow either tomorrow or when I get to Thailand…

One of our newest CSC riders!

Well, looks like it’s going to be just one…things are running incredibly slowly (it’s either the connection or this WordPress blogging software).  I’ll upload more soon, I promise.

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