Iron Butt!

You might think from the title that I’m writing about what I felt like on the Mexico ride last year, but no, I’m referring to the Iron Butt Rally. It’s the extreme sport for long distance riders – 11,000 miles in 11 days. Yep, that’s right, a thousand miles a day for 11 days. The folks who normally participate in this event have all kinds of electronic navigation goodies, auxiliary fuel tanks, and other high tech gadgetry on high end, sports touring roadburners, but I saw something in my email today that really got my attention.  My good buddy Alan Spears over at MSILSF sent it to me.

Check this out:  John Young finished the Iron Butt yesterday on a 1969 Triumph Trident…he finished the most grueling motorcycle event in the United States on a 42-year-old British motorcycle!

John Young and his Iron Butt 1969 Triumph Trident

As you know, among the big bikes, I’ve always liked Triumphs. I don’t ride big bikes too much any more since being introduced to my California Scooter, but if I did, I’d be on a Triumph again.

The Triumphs today, though, are not like the Triumphs from the 1960s…the ones today are modern bikes with all the goodies and super reliability.  But back in the ‘60s…well, let’s just say Lucas earned its “Prince of Darkness” moniker and leave it at that (Lucas manufactured the electrical stuff for Brit bikes in those days).  Finishing the Iron Butt on a 1969 Triumph is an impressive feat, and Mr. Young, our hats are off to you, sir!

And a word or two about that Trident…the Trident (and its cousin, the BSA Rocket III) were supposed to be the bikes that would hold back the onslaught of Japanese bikes in the 1960s and beyond.  Both the Triumph and British triples were good bikes, but it was a classic case of too little, too late.  Honda came out with its four-cylinder 750 in 1969, and that bike was the beginning of the end for the British motorcycle empire. I’ve talked about that before here in this blog, but I want to mention it again as the lead into an upcoming blog.  My good neighbor and friend Bill restores classic Hondas (including several 750 Fours he’s working on right now), and sometime in the near future I’ll include a story about him.

Stay tuned, boys and girls!

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