Desert Camo, computer wallpaper, and more…

When I visited the shop this morning, I saw the desert camo bikes on the CSC production line, and folks, they are looking good!

CSC Military Series Desert Camo Bikes in Production!

I dearly love my red Classic, but I gotta tell you, I’m tempted by these new camo bikes.  With their desert camouflage tanks, fenders, chain box, and airbox covers (and the black wheels), these colors work! 

Do you guys remember our Military Series YouTube?  It’s a favorite, and I’m including it here again. 

The music you hear is what we sang when doing our 3-mile road runs at 0:dark:30 (those Jody calls made the running a lot more bearable in the Georgia heat and humidity).  A few of the photos in that video go all the way back to 1972 when I went to jump school at the Benning School for Boys (aka the US Army Infantry Center), and if you watch real closely, you’ll see a yearbook picture from my jump school class.  Some of the guys in that photo (we were all teenagers then) went on to great things.   One is my buddy Frank Whitehead, who won a bet with an NCO in Ranger School when he did 1,000 pushups without stopping.  Yep, you read that right…1,000 pushups!  Frank graduated at the top of his Ranger class, and he went on to become a Ranger battalion commander 20 years later.   Another is Jeff Beatty, the only guy in the world who served in the US Army’s Delta Force, the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team, and the CIA’s Counter-Terrorism Center.  Jeff was an advisor on the Denzel Washington movie Siege (he played a cameo role in that film), and he later ran as the Republican US Senate candidate against John Kerry in Massachusetts.   Cool guys.

My new friend Tony at Merendero's today

More good stuff today, too, folks.  I’ve got Photo No. 2 at Merendero’s (yep, I had another chicken taco for lunch) showing our new buddy Tony checking out the Greaser.   Tony and his buddy Steve were enjoying their lunch in the outdoor dining  area (my favorite place to eat), and as soon as I pulled up, they were all over the bike.   They asked lots of questions, I told them all about the bike, the company, and our trip to Mexico, and Tony and Steve liked it.  A lot.  It happens everywhere we go on our California Scooters.

As you can see, I grabbed Josh’s bike for my putt to lunch today, and it’s pretty radical.   The JoshMobile is a Greaser with a custom metalflake purple flame paint job, flat black billet aluminum wheels, and our diamond gusset apehanger handlebars.  

So, this brings me to another point…it’s time for a confession…this is the first time in my life I’ve ever ridden a bike with apehangers.  It was, well, different. 

When I first started rolling, I thought…hmmm, this is unusual.  It felt kind of funny having my arms way up in the air that way.   I got used to it pretty quickly, though.   And here’s another confession…it does kind of make you feel like a bad boy.   On the way back from lunch as I was riding that little chopper, I started thinking about maybe getting a tattoo…

Steve grabbing a photo of Tony and the custom Greaser

Okay, on to a new topic…we’ve had a few requests for computer wallpaper, and we’re happy to oblige.  If you’d like any of the photos below for your computer screen, just shoot me an email (, tell me which one you’d like, and I’ll shoot a full-size version to you that will look great on your screen!

Setting the 150cc world speed record on a CSC motorcycle!

The Greaser, by CSC

Taking a break, admiring two Classics by CSC

Riding Glendora Ridge Road on CSC motorcycles

California Scooters in Baja!

Playing with the big kid!

That’s it for today, folks!  Ride safe and stay tuned!

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