Orange is in!

Yes, indeed, orange is in!   Let me tell you right up front that this one is spoken for…it’s going to Steve Lorenz at Arcadia Cushman in Indiana.   Orange is becoming one of our most popular colors, and it seemed like a fitting title for today’s blog…my other choice was “A Tale of Two Steves…”   Read on, and you’ll see what I mean.

You’ve read about our new Grabber Orange color that Steve Seidner recently introduced as a standard color choice for the CSC Classic, and you’ve seen the magnificent custom we recently built to M&M Motorsports‘ specification (we featured it on the blog last week).   Mike and Dianna sold that one to Jerry Hall almost immediately, and you can see those photos in our last blog.

We’ve also been working on another orange custom for Steve Lorenz at Arcadia Cushman.  Steve was excited about this one (it is a bit different than the one we had just built for M&M, and watching it come together, I was, too).   I asked the guys not to let it get out of the shop without giving me an opportunity to grab a few photos of it.

A Z-28 Camaro...the inspiration for the Arcadia Cushman custom Classic

There are two Steves involved in this one, so it gets just a bit confusing. Our Steve is the Steve Seidner who founded California Scooter Company, and Steve Lorenz is the owner of Arcadia Cushman. Our Steve first told me about Arcadia Cushman Steve’s desire to build a bike reminiscent of the muscle-car-era Z-28 Camaro a few weeks ago. I mentioned this a few blog entries back, and as many of you will remember, Chevy offered the Z-28 in a very hot orange with white paint stripe color theme.  Our Steve explained to me that’s what Steve Lorenz had in mind for this bike, but he wanted to take it a step beyond. We started with our new Grabber Orange color, but we also applied (at Steve Lorenz’s request) a pearlescent final coat before striping the bike.  The result is a show-stopper.  A real show stopper.

TK called me at lunch on Friday to let me know that Tony had just finished assembling Steve Lorenz’s custom orange Classic, and wow, what a bike!  The Boss and I finished up our Cheesecake Factory peanut butter pie, hopped in the ‘Vette (love those Chevy small blocks), and zoomed up the San Berdoo freeway to grab a few shots of this magnificent new motorcycle.

Okay…here’s a first shot of Tony pondering the beauty of the new beast to which he had just applied his finishing touches…

Our Master Bike Builder Tony B, in awe of his latest masterpiece!

I’ve had several great conversations with Steve Lorenz, and he’s a cool guy.  He’s been a rider forever, and he told me that Arcadia Cushman believes CSC motorcycles are the next big thing (and the next big classic motorcycle). I couldn’t agree more.   And with this latest bike, I think we hit the jackpot.  So, enough chatter for now…let’s have the photos do the talking!

Steve Lorenz's custom Classic in pearlescent orange!

This is a magnificent color combo...and the shiny details (wire wheels, a polished sprocket, and lots more) make this bike really stand out! You can just start to see the pearlescent paint in this person, the effect is striking!

A shop view of the Arcadia Cushman custom Classic

Our standard beauty shot on the CSC lift

You’ve heard me say this many times before…I say it just about every time we build a new custom, and I’ll say it again: I think this is the prettiest bike we’ve ever done.  ‘Til the next one, that is…and I’ll have photos of that one a little later today (here’s a hint…think red…and yes, we already have dealers requesting photos of it)!

And, back to that Grabber Orange paint theme that we recently introduced…it’s a stunning color.  Steve Lorenz went all out on his bike, and it’s magnificent.   You might be wondering what a standard Grabber Orange bike looks like, and I wanted to show that to you again.  Take a gander at this photo…it’s a standard CSC Classic, and the only option on this bike is a set of whitewall tires…

A Grabber Orange CSC motorcycle with whitewall's sharp!

Gotta run, boys and girls…there’s a red custom Classic up on the lift now.   We prepped it for the Calaveras County Frog Jumping Jubilee (we’ll be up there later this week with Jamestown HD).   More photo ops beckon!

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