A Classic Police Bike…

No, not a California Scooter Classic, although that may happen someday.  This is a Honda CB-450 police bike, one of only 25 ever bought into the U.S.  Honda attempted to enter the U.S. police motorcycle market in the late 1960s, and this is one of the bikes from that era.  I saw this YouTube video over on the Motorcycle Classics blog, and I wanted to share it with you…

As you know, we have an interest in all kinds of classic bikes, including police bikes.  If you’d like to peruse photos of some interesting police motors, please click here.  I started the motofoto.cc Police Motors page a few years ago, and then a funny thing happened…if you Google “police motorcycles” this page always shows up as the No. 1 or No. 2 listing.  

I’ve had a lot of fun taking pictures of police motorcycles.  It’s interesting stuff.

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