Dual Sports and Donuts: The Autry Museum

Hey, friends, Joe Berk here. So, the story goes like this: A few weeks ago I told Steve about Sue and I visiting the Autry Museum in Los Angeles and how much we enjoyed it. I thought it might make for a good CSC Dual Sports and Donuts ride, Steve agreed, and well, here you go. Another ride and another blog by yours truly.

It was a warm one today, but the Museum was great. We had a guided tour by our docent, Lew, and he did a whale of a job for us. I’ll let the photos do most of the talking on this one…









Doc again…

Lew, our docent

Sandy grabbing a photo of an Indian


A brace of Single Action Army sixguns

And the grand finale, Theodore Roosevelt’s personal Colt .45

We had a good time out there today, and it was made all the better by the great group we rode with and Lew’s outstanding presentation. Guys, thanks for having me along…I enjoyed it!

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