Yep, it’s me again. Joe. Also known as Dajiu, with another in a series of now-I’m-a-guest blogger.
So, Steve lent me a City Slicker to ride around and give my impressions on the blog.
I’m doing that, but it felt weird to be doing it without the info also appearing on the CSC blog. Arjiu and I are doing the ExhaustNotes blog for grins; CSC is in the business of importing and selling paradigm-shifting motorcycles.
The bottom line? My impressions of the City Slicker are going to appear here, too. A double-exposure, as we say in the photography game.
With that, here’s the first of a series of City Slicker signals from yours truly (yep, I’m going to work the electrical analogy for all it’s worth).

The only one in America on the road, and it’s in my garage.

Trying to impersonate a GS…
No clutch. No noise. No gears. Best of all, no gas.
Basically, no worries. If you can work an iPhone and ride a bicycle, you’re there.
“Whoooeeeeee!” I thought. This is going to be fun.
I’m the only guy in America who has a new CSC City Slicker in his garage.
I’d like to be able to say I have a lot to learn about electric motorcycles, but there’s not a lot to learn. There’s close to zero maintenance (ooh, did I actually use that word?). One of my shooting buddies who owns a dealership in a large left-leaning California city (there’s a redundant expression if ever there was one) is dropping his line of electric bikes because there’s no follow-on maintenance. Follow-on maintenance is an important income stream for a dealership.
“Maybe we sell a tire once in a while,” he said, “but that’s it. Electric bikes just don’t need maintenance.”
So I rode a City Slicker home today. I stopped for a coffee on the way, because Slick was telling me he wanted to be a GS. “We’ll stop,” I said, echoing Lloyd Bentsen, “but you’re no GS.”
It was cool. I almost wished I had a job again, just so I could make a daily commute. I’ll bet I passed 30 or 40 gas stations on my 17-mile commute, and I was smiling the entire time. Four bucks a gallon? Who cares? One more time: This is going to be fun.
Like Arjiu and I always say, check back often.