Joe and Orlando in Texas

My good buddies Joe Gresh and Orlando Cavazos recently completed a ride in Big Bend, Texas.  Joe rode his Husky (the bike, not the dog) and Orlando was on his RX3.  Joe sent a video and Orlando sent some photos to me, and I thought I would share them here with you…

Here’s what Orlando wrote in his note to me…

I rode that bike hard thru the river trails, jumping it up to 3 feet in the air and bottoming out on most of the ruff sections, but I kept up with the big bikes (Joe’s Husky and a friend’s KTM, both bikes 500 cc and long travel suspension). The bike handled great and I had a blast on the Sunday ride home again (another 590 miles to get home).

What is cool about this ride is that Orlando rode a hard 680 miles just to get to the area where he and Joe wanted to play in the dirt, and then he put another hard 590 miles on the bike to get home.   Joe covered a few miles on his Husky to get there and back, too.   Good show, guys!

I was originally planning to ride with these guys, but my schedule back here at the ranch kept me from doing so.   That’s too bad; it looks like these guys had a fun ride.

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