Revzilla and Rider weigh in…

The new CSC San Gabriel is making waves, folks, and both Rider magazine and Revzilla are writing about it.

Interesting stuff.   The Revzilla article added a bit of Spurgeon Dunbar’s thinking on the bike and on CSC, and I thought that made for interesting reading.   There are a couple of things in it that I particularly like…

Over the past few years, whenever we’ve reviewed a small-displacement dual-sport or adventure motorcycle, such as the Kawasaki Versys-X 300 or the Royal Enfield Himalayan, readers have chimed in arguing the merits of their CSC machines. It says something about the brand that the people buying them are going to great lengths to extol their virtues.

Ain’t that the truth?   One thing about our riders that we just love…you are passionate about your CSC motorcycles.  It used to be that whenever someone went on a rant about Chinese motorcycles on an Internet forum, I would respond.   Today, we just don’t get too many negative comments, and when we do, our customers usually answer.

Here’s the other quote from the Revzilla article I thought was cool…

When we ran that first article on CSC back in 2015, I pretty much wrote them off as a novelty. Yet here were are three years later and not only are they still around, but they’re busy trying to figure out how to best expand their model line. In an era of struggling motorcycle sales, a brand new motorcycle shipped to your door for $2,500 might just bring some new folks into the fold or help to entice some older riders to return to the sport.

Yep, here we are.  And here we’ll be.   You may not know this, but our original company was Pro-One Performance Manufacturing, a company that specializes in large V-twin custom accessories.  Pro-One has been around for more than 30 years.  CSC started as a sister company 10 years ago when we were making the Mustang replicas, that led us to Zongshen for their 250cc engine, and that brought us to the RX3.

Revzilla got it right. We are a novelty, because we do things that other companies do not.  Our prices, our online maintenance tutorials, our path to market, our inventory of parts and accessories, and our focus on bringing our customers into the riding experience.  Like the upcoming ride to the Nethercutt Museum.  And the upcoming run to Pinnacles.  And our Baja runs.  And our other adventure rides.  And wait until you see what we have in store for the San Gabriel family of motorcycles.  Good times, folks.

The comments section in the Revzilla article is interesting, too.  The comments are coming in quickly and I have not kept up with all of them, but the China-bashing we saw 3 years ago has subsided a lot.  It’s all interesting.

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