Keeping up with Indiana Jones…

Without question, two of the grandest adventures in my life have been riding the Andes Mountains in Colombia and the ride across China. As you know, I wrote books about both adventures (Moto Colombia, and Riding China, which you can order from the links to the right).

The title spread of my article in RoadRUNNER magazine. Those are camels. That’s the Gobi Desert. I rode there on an orange RX3 (it’s the fastest color, you know).

But wait, as they say…there’s more: I’m happy to announce that RoadRUNNER magazine, the world’s premier motorcycle touring magazine, will run an article I wrote about the China ride in their next issue (it’s going to be available in late June). In fact, the photo you see above is the article’s two-page title photo, and the idea is that much of the China ride was like being in an Indiana Jones adventure movie. It was that grand. I still find myself thinking about the China ride every day (it was an incredible adventure).

Allow me to suggest three links for you. The first is the current issue of RoadRUNNER magazine. Here’s another to a not-yet-live link for the RoadRUNNER issue that will include my China story (don’t worry; I’ll include another blog entry when the story goes live). And finally (and this is the important part), here’s a link to subscribe to RoadRUNNER. It works. I know, because I just bought a subscription. You should, too!

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