A favorite ride…

This is a ride I had not ridden in a long time (as in roughly 50 years), but it was as good yesterday as it was back in the late ’60s and early ’70s.   It’s a run from central Jersey to New Hope, Pennsylvania, across the mighty Delaware River.   It was awesome…

Speeds tend to be a bit lower along these country roads, and as I passed through the bucolic New Jersey towns of Kingston, Rocky Hill, Hopewell, and Lambertville, I thought that my TT250 would have been perfect for this ride.  I never got above 55 mph, and that’s the TT250’s sweet spot.

The bridge across the might Delaware is one of those with a grated roadway that allows you to see the river below.  I photographed it extensively…

The bridge’s road surface is an iron grate.  It’s one of those deals where you can look down and see the river directly beneath you…

I stopped and at one point stood directly in the roadway (that’s how I got the two photos above), and then I heard this voice saying “Sir, you can’t stand in the roadway to photograph the bridge.”  I looked all around me and I couldn’t see anybody, until I finally noticed a little brick guardhouse kind of deal just behind me.  The police officer was standing on a platform several feet above me.  Oops!

Then I took a few photos from the walkway, including this panoramic shot I stitched together from several photos…

It’s a fascinating area.  It wasn’t too far from this very spot that George Washington had his headquarters, and it wasn’t too far from here that he crossed the Delaware.

The town of New Hope is a cool place.  It has lots of old buildings, lots of shops, a theatre, cool restaurants, a couple of interesting historic hotels, and more.  The last time I rode a motorcycle here I was still a teenager.

From time to time we’ve talked about organizing a ride along the lines of our Destinations Deal run (you know, all in the US) on the east coast, and the ride yesterday brought that together in my mind.  If you would like to do a CSC TT250 and RX3 ride retracing some of the key American Revolution spots (and maybe a bit of the Jersey shore), well hey, let me know and we’ll start setting it up.  It would be fun!

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