Comfort plus…

After taking possession of my RX3 in 2015 and racking up roughly 20,000 miles on that great motorcycle, the stock seat was feeling a little ragged.   Foam degrades over time, and the foam in my stock seat has taken a beating over the last few years.  Three or four trips through Baja, the 5000-mile Western America Adventure Ride, our monthly Dual Sports and Donuts rides, me just tooling around, and more…it all adds up.   Some of you folks might ask about the circumnavigation of the Andes Mountains in Colombia with my good buddies Carlos and Juan and the ride across China with Joe Gresh and the rest of the great crew over there (Sergeant Zuo, King Kong, and the guys), but those were on borrowed RX3s provided by the folks who invited me.   My personal bike, though, has plenty of miles on it, and like I said, it was time for a new seat.

After talking to Steve, I opted to go with our optional Seat Concepts tall seat (you can see our Internet description of it here).   It was a cold and wet ride in to the CSC plant this morning, but all I can say is Wow!   Folks, this seat really makes a difference!   The guys put my sheepskin cover on over my new seat (it’s in the photo above and on the CSC website), and between the two of these accessories, the riding experience on my RX3 took a sharp turn toward comfort.   It’s a night and day difference, and I’m glad Steve and the guys put that new seat on my bike.  I love it!

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