Cool Print Opportunities

We just finished a super fun photo shoot yesterday to get a few more pictures into our latest catalog.  Sandy did an incredible job putting the new catalog together…and the good news is this:   If you’d like to get a high resolution pdf copy, just shoot an email to me at, and we’ll get a copy to you right away!  And I promise…we’ll never give your email address to anyone else.

The latest California Scooter catalog is now available!

The latest California Scooter catalog is now available!

More cool stuff…we are going to be on the inside front cover of the next issue of Cabela’s magazine.   Cabela’s is the premier outdoor, camping, hunting, and fishing store (my wife hides the checkbook and the credit cards everytime I mention going there).   Here’s a copy of that ad, and we’ll make you the same offer…if you want a copy, shoot me an email and I’ll get a high res version out to you.

Our latest ad...showing the greatest bikes in the world!

Our latest ad...showing the greatest bikes in the world!

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