A CSC Beach Cruiser…

Steve recently had the guys put together a beach-cruiser-themed California Scooter, and it’s stunning.   You might have noticed a shot or two of this bike in the Abbot Kinney blog entry (that’s where the bike made its debut), but I’ve been holding off on adding more photos until the weather was more suited to getting good color shots.  We had a bit of rain here in La Verne today, and the conditions were perfect for grabbing a few photos.   Check this one out…
Yep, another John Esposito custom with a two-tone turquoise-and-white paint scheme

Yep, another John Esposito custom paint job...two-tone turquoise-and-white!

This bike has beach cruiser handlebars, and lots and lots of chrome.   I’m sure many of you noticed the wire wheels…

Yep, wire wheels are coming...

Yep, wire wheels are coming...

We don’t have these wheels in stock yet, but they are on the way.  They sure are pretty.   I think I like my solid wheels better, because the solid wheels run tubeless and require a lot less maintenance.   But if you like wire wheels, it won’t be long before you can get them on your California Scooter.

Steve and the boys put lots of detail into this bike.   It’s not for sale (it’s a show bike), but it is a good platform for showing off some of the accessories and chome work you can pour into your custom bike…

Tons of chrome (read the list below)

Tons of chrome (read the list below)

Our beach cruiser Scooter has chrome all over…the taillight assembly, the luggage rack, the exhaust pipe, the controls, the airbox, the hand controls, the foot controls, the fork lowers, the upper and lower triple tees, the speedometer case, the speedometer mount, the kickstand, the front and rear wheel hubs and spacers, the wire wheels, the battery box, the brake calipers, and the list goes on and on.  The chrome is nice, but what really does it for me is that two-tone turquoise-and-white paint job.

Do you like this color combo?   Drop us a line and let us know…we’d love to hear from you!

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