A few Saturday shop photos…

This was a fun day for me.   It’s been terribly hot here in So Cal, but that’s okay.   I rode over to Brown’s BMW dealership for lunch with the geezers, I had a great lunch with my friends, from there it was over to the reloading store to pick up components for the upcoming milsurp match (that’s going to be on the 13th, Willie, Matt, Fathi, and Duane), and then it was on to the CSC plant.

When I went into the shop, I thought I was seeing double…

160722_2747-650That’s Joey on the left (one of Gerry’s service maestros) and Joey’s son Justin on the right.   These two guys could be twins!

I wanted to get a photo of my good buddy Carlos and myself, so I turned the Nikon over to Gerry, but first I took a photo of Gerry and Carlos…

160722_2752-650Carlos is another one of our ace service guys, and he does double-duty as a translator when we make our reservations for the CSC Baja rides.   Carlos is fluent in Spanish (I’m not), so he helps me get our Baja trips set up.

Incidentally, we are going to do the 4th Annual CSC Baja Run next March, so if you’re thinking of going, you might want to make the decision now and let us know.   The rides fill up fast and we limit participation to 15 riders (and one of those 15 spots goes to me).

Hey, here’s the photo I mentioned above of Carlos and yours truly…

160722_2754-650That’s it for today, folks.   One more quick photo of a stunning RC3 that was in for service, and that’s all for now!


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