The planning for our 2017 Baja run is shaping up nicely, folks. We’re 20 days away from liftoff!
Ah, the things we’ll see! The whales! The missions! The prehistoric cave paintings! The food! The riding! Nothing (and I mean nothing) is better than a motorcycle ride through Baja. You’ll be telling stories about this trip for the rest of your life. Trust me on this.

The boulder fields in Catavina. The terrain is like no place you’ve ever seen!

The mission in San Ignacio…a 300-year-old church still doing daily duty. We’ll get to go inside and take photos!

The whales! Yep, we’ll get to see them, and we’ll get even closer!
We’ll be on the road from Sunday to Sunday (19 March to 26 March), as outlined in the itinerary below…
We’ll have two high mileage days at around 350 miles (you might not think that’s a lot of miles, but trust me on this, trying to get a bunch of folks on motorcycles moving at the same time is like herding cats.
There’s a 14-mile dirt stretch when we go to see the Sierra San Francisco cave paintings, and portions of it are gnarly. You’ll want to make sure you’re up for this.
Like I said yesterday, you’ll need a full complement of safety gear (a helmet, gloves, a jacket, and boots). You’ll also need rain gear. I’ve been doing Baja for 25 years, and in all that time, I’ve only had two trips with no rain.
We’ll be making lots of photo stops. We cut down on our daily mileage for just that reason., so bring a camera. You’re going to see things and ride places most people can only dream about.
I may make one change to take us through Coco’s Corner, which adds about 23 miles of dirt to the road. That would have us spend our next to last night in San Felipe on the Sea of Cortez. I wanted to do that last year but I couldn’t because of the hotel situation. We’ll see if we can do it this year. If we do, this is what the map will look like…

Our route. The last two days may change if we can get rooms in San Felipe. We’ll know more later this week, so keep an eye on the blog.
That’s it for now. Keep an eye on the blog…more info will be forthcoming.