Sold Out!

ridingchinacover250wdOf Riding China, that is, and that’s something I love to hear.  But not to worry, we’ll have more copies in a couple of days, so if you haven’t ordered yours yet, don’t wait to do so!

You know, it’s been half a year since we returned from our epic 37-day trot around China, and I still find myself thinking about that ride 20 or 30 times a day.   Yep, it was that good.

And yesterday morning I read something that made me remember the ride even more fondly.   It was a front page story in the LA Times (on the left side above the fold, no less!) about a small group of reporters being granted special permission to be escorted by government minders into the Tibetan plateau, including the beautiful city of Aba.   The Times story made a big deal about how foreigners were forbidden to enter this region, and when I read that, I had to laugh.   We spent the night in Aba, and we got there by riding our RX3 and RX1 motorcycles!   One of the things I talk about in Riding China is our being places we weren’t supposed to be (“keep your visor down and don’t speak,” my Chinese riding buddies told me whenever we approached the police checkpoints).  It was certainly unlike any riding experience I’ve ever had!

That photo above shows my good buddies on our China adventure high up on the Tibetan plateau, and that town in the background is none other than Aba, the location discussed in the LA Times article.  And the LA Times thought they were breaking new ground by being there!

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