A Heads Up: Gas Riots in Mexico

I’ve been reading about unrest in Mexico in the last few days as a result of the Mexican government bumping the price of gasoline 20%.  From a cost perspective, it would be no big deal to us for the Baja ride (even at the increased prices, it’s still about the same as what we pay for gas here in California), but it’s a big jump for the Mexicans.  The Mexican government has subsidized the price of fuel in Mexico for decades and now that’s changing (old Maggie Thatcher had it right…socialism only works until you run out of other people’s money).  I think it should all be smoothed over by the time we ride into Baja in March, but we’ll be keeping our eyes on the situation down there.

Sue and I were caught in a Mexican labor riot on one of our CSC ride scouting expeditions in April 2015 (you can read my blog about that here), and I can tell you it’s no fun.

We’ll keep you posted on developments south of the border and how it might affect our ride.   If things look rough, we’ll just divert to someplace here in the western US.

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