A few more…

I had just a few more photos from our most recent TT250 San Felipe run I wanted to share with you…

Entering Mexico in Tecate.   We're still on the US side of the border in this photo, but just barely.

Entering Mexico in Tecate. We’re still on the US side of the border in this photo, but just barely.  It’s a little blurry because I shot it while riding, and it was already starting to get dark.

Leaving Tecate the next morning bound for San Felipe.

Leaving Tecate the next morning bound for San Felipe.

Brother Matt at speed on Mexico Highway 2.

Brother Matt at speed on Mexico Highway 2.

Our only mechanical casualty...Willie lost a muffler cap bolt somewhere along Highway 2.

Our only mechanical casualty…Willie lost a muffler cap bolt somewhere along Highway 2.

The view from the road riding down the Rumarosa Grade.  I love this stretch of road.

The view from the road riding down the Rumarosa Grade. I love this stretch of road.

Skulls decorated with US football team colors in San Felipe.

Skulls decorated with US football team colors in San Felipe.

Fish at the seafood restaurant in Ensenada.  I had one of those for lunch.

Fish at the seafood restaurant in Ensenada. I had one of those for lunch.

The one that didn't get away.

The one that didn’t get away.

That sure was a fun ride.   I’m ready to do it again.

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