The Yellow River Stone Forest…

It’s the Chinese equivalent of our Bryce, Zion, and Grand Canyon National Parks all rolled up into one, and we visited it with the Lanzhou RX3 owner’s group yesterday.   Just a few photos, folks, before we leave for Baoji later this morning…


At the Yellow River Stone Forest entrance with the Lanzhou RX3 club yesterday.

A Chinese RX3 owner.

A Chinese RX1 rider.


Young Chinese RX3 owners having fun.

A Chinese equestrienne.

A Chinese equestrienne.

The view from the top.

The view from the top.


Know what this is?

Yep, a hydraulic RX3 clutch!

Yep, a hydraulic RX3 clutch!

The Lanzhou riders having fun with Joe Gresh.

The Lanzhou riders having fun with Joe Gresh.

Mr. wong's son and daughter, and mom and dad...Mr. Wong is the Lanzhou Zongshen dealer.

Mr. Wong’s son and daughter, and mom and dad…Mr. Wong is the Lanzhou Zongshen dealer.

A donkey cart ride into the Yellow River canyon.

A donkey cart ride into the Yellow River canyon.

My obligatory selfie.

My obligatory selfie.

It’s raining again over here today, folks.   Hopefully we’ll ride out of it soon.   Stay dry and stay tuned!

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