Camels, caves, and camaraderie…

Originally posted on July 13, 2016 @ 10:15 am

What’s The Best Way To Ride In The Gobi Desert?

While riding in the Gobi Desert in China we decided to trade in our RX3 Adventure motorcycles for some camels. We rode through the desert and made our way to some caves to check them out. There is some beautiful tourism photography in this post. Below is Joe Berks Full post from July 13 2016 that he did while he was in China.

There are two things I know about Dun Huang: It is a treasure unknown to nearly all Americans, and I will return to this magical city with my wife to share the excitement someday soon.  The Zongshen folks are running an adventure ride for us that is absolutely fabulous.

I’m just going to post a short blog today, folks. It’s late and we’re tired, mostly because of the incredible day we just experienced. It started with another super Chinese breakfast, followed by a short ride to the Lake of the Crescent Moon out here in the Gobi Desert. While we were there, we went for a camel ride. I’m not kidding. A real camel ride…in the Gobi Desert! After that, it was yet another super Chinese lunch, and then we visited the Mo Gao caves. That’s a location with a thousand grottos previously used by ancient Buddhist monks. Whoa! Can you say Indiana Jones?

Our camels. No kidding. They were awesome!

Our camels. No kidding. They were awesome!

A view from the cockpit. Me. On a camel. In the Gobi Desert. Woohoo!

A view from the cockpit. Me. On a camel. In the Gobi Desert. Woohoo!

A pretty girl in the Gobi Desert.

A pretty girl in the Gobi Desert.


“Gobi” Gresh interviewing Shemp, his ride for the morning.

The Lake of the Crescent Moon, the Gobi Desert. Did I mention we are in the Gobi Desert?

The Lake of the Crescent Moon, in the Gobi Desert.  Did I mention we are in the Gobi Desert?

Lu and Furem comparing photos.

Lu and Furem comparing photos.


At the Mo Gao One Thousand Grottos park.

A photo I wasn't supposed to take of a giant Buddha in one of the grottos. Folks, this place has got to be on your bucket list. I got here on my RX3 motorcycle!

A photo I wasn’t supposed to take of a giant Buddha in one of the grottos. Folks, this place has got to be on your bucket list. I got here on my RX3 motorcycle!


Another unauthorized Nikon shot at ISO 5000!

And yet another. The place was something right out of an Indiana Jones movie!

And yet another illicit photo. The place was something right out of an Indiana Jones movie!

We only rode a little over a hundred kilometers today and tonight we’re staying in a city called Guazhou. That’s it for now, folks.  Gresh and I are having a great time with our new friends, and I’m calling it a night!

      If you’re interested in seeing more of our great travels you can check out all of the books Joe berk has written while riding CSC Motorcycles in China, Baja, The United Stated States, and South America by clicking the link here.

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