On top of the world…

Greetings from the Tibetan Plateau, folks!

We’re up here on top of the world, and we’re staying the night in a town called Aba (it’s pronounced “obbah”).   We rode beautiful mountain roads, and then we rode another 100 kilometers on a dirt road (and it was mostly mud because of the torrential rains during the last several days).  Our entire day has been between 12,000 and 14,000 feet, and we are feeling it (any exertion at all and it feels like you just ran a marathon).   Internet connectivity here is terrible, so I’m not going to post too many words.   The photos seem to go through okay, though, and here they are!

The real deal, folks! We're riding China!

The real deal, folks! We’re riding China!


We saw lots of cattle. Most were just wandering loose on the road.


Two Tibetan Honda riders


This fellow happened by during one of stops. It had just stopped raining.


Wong took this photo of me with a Tibetan woman


Riding in the mountains was spectacular


We were delayed by numerous landslides during our run on the dirt road

Master Sergeant Zuo

Master Sergeant Zuo

My muddy RX3 on the Tibetan Plateau

My muddy RX3 on the Tibetan Plateau

Another beauty shot

Another beauty shot

Arriving in Aba after 100 kilometers of mud

Arriving in Aba after 100 kilometers of mud


A young Tibetan boy


The riders…Dong, Lin, Tso, Joe, Zuo, Lu, Furem, and Wong.   That’s Aba in the background.

It’s 6:00 a.m. here, so it’s time to start getting ready for today’s ride.   Until tomorrow, my friends…

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