What could be better…

…than a late-night run to The Hat for a pastrami dip?

Riding there on your new TT250 on a crispy cool evening, that’s what!


It was a nice night for a ride…and I didn’t want to let it get away from me and my TT!


I’m digging the simplicity of a carbureted air-cooled overhead valve single, a lightweight bike, and a simple set of instruments.   It’s cool.  It’s taking me back to when I was a teenager.  I did way too many late night restaurant runs a cool five decades ago on my Honda Super 90 and I loved it.  This bike is doing the same for me.  It’s the same vibe.

And speaking of those simple instruments, we’re not holding up the bikes because of that kilometer problem I wrote about earlier today.  We know the odo and tripmeter will have to be fixed.   If you’re early on the list, your bike is going out to you that way.   We’ll send the new instruments to you as soon as we get them.

You know, I almost went with the copper TT because I liked it and I knew it would photograph well….but that black looks pretty good to me.   And…you know it is the fastest color.

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