Saturday morning…

I stopped by the plant for a bit this morning and things are buzzing.   The guys are on overtime working prep and setup activities on the TT250s and the RX3s…

Derek and Willie mugging for the Nikon

Derek and Willie mugging for the Nikon

And folks are stopping in to take delivery of their new bikes when their TT250s and RX3s are ready.   I had a nice conversation with our good buddy Jim this morning.   Jim was here to pick up his beautiful white TT250 (I hear that’s the fast color)..


Steve and Jim, after Steve walked Jim through the features on his new CSC TT250…Jim was headed out for a ride in the San Gabriels!

More to follow, folks, so keep an eye on the blog.  I’ll be posting more about the upcoming China ride, too…that’s going to be a hoot!

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