A great weekend and a great start to the week…

We had a great weekend and Monday looks like it’s going to be an equally great day.   The stock market is up (hey, the Dow broke 18,000 today!), it’s 90 degrees and sunny out here in So Cal this afternoon, and life is good.


We had a fantastic afternoon yesterday.   My good buddy Willie was the subject of a surprise birthday party yesterday (that’s Willie in the photo above in front of the Mulege mission), and Willie’s wife Dalia invited the folks who were on the CSC 2016 Baja run.   I partied with Willie, Sara, Fathi, and Doina yesterday, and we relived parts of the Baja adventure (you can see my Baja buddies in the two photos below).   It sure was a great party.  The stories get more interesting and we get to be faster and better riders each time we tell them!



I’m headed north on another secret mission for CSC tomorrow, so I may not get to post on the blog for a day or two.   Hey, I’m having fun, and you should, too!  The weather is great….get out there and ride!

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