Call me Ishmael….

And that, of course, is the opening line of Herman Melville’s timeless classic, Moby Dick.

You’re probably wondering…where is he going with this?

Folks, I can’t make up stuff this good.   An albino whale has been spotted in and around Scammon’s Lagoon, and that’s where we going to be in about 10 days on the CSC Baja Run…


No kidding.  I just read this story, and if you want to read it, the link is here.   This white whale has been named Gallon of Milk.    That name’s not quite as catchy as Moby Dick, but hey, who’s complaining?    This is cool stuff.   Gallon of Milk is going to be where we’re going whale watching.   Wowee!

Imagine that: A white whale.  If I had a Spanish gold doubloon I’d nail it to my RX3 and promise it to the RX3 rider who spots the great white whale first.  That’s what Ahab did in Moby Dick.

Amazing events, my friends.   And we will see whales.   Up close and personal, just like you see in this video below I shot on a previous trip…

It’s going to be a fun ride, folks.   Just don’t call me Captain Ahab.  Or Ishmael.

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